Instead of doing something productive like sleeping or at least translating a blog post or something, I decided to use one of my (seemingly rare these days) sort of cheerful days to update all of you about things that are Going On as of late...seeming as my journal has been mostly nothing but drama. Even though that's what Livejournal is largely for, there's still part of me that hates that shit, so here we go.
Updates After Previous Update:
I have officially decided that I will wait to get a white cap on my tooth, even if that means not being able to do anything for the time being. I can't decide what would be more rude, though--canceling my appointment indefinitely ahead of time over the telephone, or going to the appointment and using it to explain in person my feelings and apologizing for wasting their time. The latter option may be easier, simply because I am shit on the phone in Japanese, especially in a situation as stressful as this one, and if I were sitting there in person maybe it would be easier to take the conversation to what I would need to do to get this done sooner (installment payments if they offer them and what have you), as opposed to the really nice receptionist who outside of a file probably has no idea what is going on and wouldn't really be able to consult with me too much anyway. At least if I came to an appointment, that would be my scheduled time, and I wouldn't feel so bad for taking it to talk about things even if they were expecting just to do a procedure and be done with it.
Current Hodgepodge of Things:
This week, I started watching and am officially caught up with Game of Thrones, which is quite entertaining. I plan to keep watching it, and am glad that it is one of the few shows, it seems, that is actually still airing a season, what with all the other shows finished for the summer or for the year already. I rather like a lot of the characters, though I wish the Prince to die horribly. Despite this, it is still full of quite attractive gents and ladies, and sexy British accents, so even if the story wasn't as good as it is I might still watch it anyway (I admit that Lord Snow is totally a looker).
Which brings me to my random next point--I wish The Tudors turned out better than it did. I mean...the dude who played Henry was like...totally fugly too. I don't get it. The only more fug actor I've seen in recent memory was the guy who gave his best D- effort to playing Arthur in Camelot, which I couldn't even last ten minutes of. That's not even a face a mother could love, goddamn. Anyway.
Saying this--I still can't wait for The Borgias to come back, and I'm kind of disappointed to see that the tiny little fandom seems to have an obsession with how hot Cezare is (okay, he's not bad looking, but I've seen better really) and so there are distressingly few icons or gifs of any other characters other than him and Lucrezia because I guess people are totally shipping that. I'm personally rooting for Quiet Stable Boy, myself.
However, it distresses me that few people seem to realize this very important point:
Jeremy Irons Is A Badass.
This show is an artistically woven tapestry of Papal Smackdown that would not be possible if Mr. Irons were not responsible for delivering it. I mean...goddamn. There have been a couple of ice burns straight from the Vatican that I actually had to watch more than once because they were that good.
Not to mention he has absolutely no problem with just hauling off and smacking a bitch with his Mighty Popehand.
Observe, with this helpful animated gif.
(Feel free to save that for use in your next Internet Argument.)
In short, both of these shows are awesome, and you should watch them--and my apologies to
placetohide regarding Game of Thrones, since he had to get all sad about no one watching before I actually watched it.
But he is right, you should watch it. Yes, you. You right there.
and watch The Borgias too
Man, I already want the first season of The Borgias on DVD so that I can have it all for me. It would be the kind of show that, god help me, I might actually give a shit about the special features and interviews on, which...if you know me, is a rare thing.
It's been raining pretty much nonstop here in Japan for the last two days or so, and I've just been sitting here listening to it instead of sleeping. It's kind of oddly comforting when you don't have to be anywhere or do anything, but it'll be a pain in the ass to go out in tomorrow I am sure.
Luckily, I have no classes tomorrow that I am aware of, so if the trains or whatever make me late to work it's not really a big deal. Honestly, though, I'm kind of glad that I don't have any plans after work other than to just come home (but hopefully remember to pick up more sugar and milk before I do so) because last week was such a hectic week by comparison.
I'll be starting my Saturday job, though, which will require me to be up even earlier than I am the rest of the week...I'm not so worried about this week in terms of energy just because non-teaching weeks are generally really low-key for me especially compared to teaching weeks like last week where I'm running around all the time and don't really get breaks at all. Pulling myself through another early day after that, I think, will prove to be quite a challenge.
But, hopefully having a little bit less stress through this week will help me not be at the end of my rope when I have to deal with new-job anxiety. There's nothing worse than a crushing reminder that once again you really don't have any idea what you're doing.
I always said I did miss teaching high school, though, so...hopefully these kids will remind me why I miss it instead of making me wonder why I was so nostalgic toward it.
With that, however, I suppose I should drag myself toward bed to sleep, though I suppose it's really more like just a nap at this point.
Man, do I ever fail at living like a normal person.