I'm really sorry to hear that you're being separated from someone who is such a big part of your support system. That really sucks. Is she going far, or will she at least be still in your general vicinity?
I don't know if this will be of any comfort to you or not, but for the sake of letting you know you're not alone - I cry in front of people like that all the time. It's hugely embarrassing, so I know just how you feel. You at least have a completely understandable reason for it that you've outlined here. Last week, I started crying in the middle of a hair salon because I was sitting there thinking about a job interview I'd had earlier in the day for a job I desperately want, and the thought of not getting it reduced me to tears. :/ So from one crier to another, I don't think you're a pussy for crying like that. When you've got such strong feelings, sometimes there's just no way to keep them contained, and no other real appropriate outlet for them.
As for selfishness, I still hold to my theory that EVERYONE in the whole world is, and is well within their right to be, selfish sometimes. We have to be; we can't always be doing everything in our lives for other people and completely neglect ourselves. We have no control over how much other people bolster us even as we're bolstering other people, and sometimes it's not a 50/50 give and take. So we have to supplement that by taking time to do things to help ourselves, and that's okay. From the sounds of things, you're at one of those points now where you need that. I hope it helps. ♥
Thanks. I don't really know the area where I work too well, being that I don't actually live there--but obviously I'll be at my school and she'll be at hers, and since she works later than I do it's not really relevant in terms of being able to meet up after school or something. I'm sure she'll still be around, but as spoiled of a brat that it makes me, it's still a scary thought. After all, how many friends say 'oh yeah, we'll totally keep in touch' and then never hear from one another ever again? Quite a lot.
And oh, I've done that too--just suddenly thinking of something horribly sad or upsetting and next thing you know you're crying. It's...pretty awesome.
Honestly, I just hope I can stop this bullshit I have going on and get back to where I'm actually helpful to others or something. Right now it doesn't even feel like it would matter if I were alive, because I'm just another person sitting on her ass in front of the TV all day, or lying in bed, or doing absolutely nothing but things that benefit herself. It's disgusting, and I'm disgusting for being this way.
I don't know if this will be of any comfort to you or not, but for the sake of letting you know you're not alone - I cry in front of people like that all the time. It's hugely embarrassing, so I know just how you feel. You at least have a completely understandable reason for it that you've outlined here. Last week, I started crying in the middle of a hair salon because I was sitting there thinking about a job interview I'd had earlier in the day for a job I desperately want, and the thought of not getting it reduced me to tears. :/ So from one crier to another, I don't think you're a pussy for crying like that. When you've got such strong feelings, sometimes there's just no way to keep them contained, and no other real appropriate outlet for them.
As for selfishness, I still hold to my theory that EVERYONE in the whole world is, and is well within their right to be, selfish sometimes. We have to be; we can't always be doing everything in our lives for other people and completely neglect ourselves. We have no control over how much other people bolster us even as we're bolstering other people, and sometimes it's not a 50/50 give and take. So we have to supplement that by taking time to do things to help ourselves, and that's okay. From the sounds of things, you're at one of those points now where you need that. I hope it helps. ♥
And oh, I've done that too--just suddenly thinking of something horribly sad or upsetting and next thing you know you're crying. It's...pretty awesome.
Honestly, I just hope I can stop this bullshit I have going on and get back to where I'm actually helpful to others or something. Right now it doesn't even feel like it would matter if I were alive, because I'm just another person sitting on her ass in front of the TV all day, or lying in bed, or doing absolutely nothing but things that benefit herself. It's disgusting, and I'm disgusting for being this way.
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