ABC event tomorrow you guysssss
I'm feeling a little better than I was yesterday, when I didn't want to do anything because I was really depressed...which...thank goodness for that. I've always said that if I can't get stoked for yasu, then there's something seriously wrong with me.
I finished writing my letter to him, too, and I'm happy that this time I actually had the time to write it by hand (though I'll tell you that it's harder than it looks to keep your writing straight when you're writing vertically and using paper with no guide lines). I always never know quite what to say to him, but in any case I think I'm happy with it.
Speaking of things of that nature, just because I had to know, if anyone is curious to see the sexypants I got for yasu, have a
link from the store website. Unfortunately the pictures don't really show the gloss on them at all, but...pretty hot, yes?
Unfortunately, the cutsew I got him isn't on the site, so I guess that one's between me and God (though I'm sure that if he ever wears it in any pictures or anywhere I am witness to him wearing it, you will be hearing about it in a flurry of squee).
That aside for a minute!
Today is also the day that I feel the need to mention that one of my second year classes...holy shit. There's these three girls, and they're fantastic pervs, the lot of them.
Last class, one of them asked me if I was kinky...and volunteered that they think I must be.
Today, one of the activities in a sort mission game we were playing is that everyone in the group, in order to move on, had to ask one of us questions in English.
This girl comes up, and behind her hand (but loud enough that I've got to applaud her stones!) asked me...
What sex play do you like?
What sex play do you like.
Of course, when I got done laughing my ass off, I picked it up off the floor and told her that was a secret.
Besides, do they REALLY want to know that about one of their teachers? I would say probably not.
(Especially if I were entirely honest.)
Still. Laughing my fucking ass off.
They also think I might be a little bit dumb, clearly, because they told me to say 'six, but with an e instead of an i' as if I CAN'T FIGURE THAT SHIT OUT.
Really, ladies, you're out of your league, but...thanks for the epic laughter anyway.
I've also managed to pay most of my bills today, so that makes me feel like a responsible citizen and kind of good about myself...and now all that's really left for me to do is to shower, do translations, and PREPARE FOR ROCKING OUT.
I think I'm just going to play it straight and just go in jeans and my Re:birth tour shirt though (the black one) with my QED scarf for easily stash-awayable warmth in the event that it's really hot in the live house...because it's DUMB to wear a corset at an all-standing live, and I really don't want to have to change clothes when it's so cold out. I'm totally just going to wear a sweater over top for school, since...yep. When I'm spending part of the night with yasu? That's really all that matters, isn't it.
Also...apparently it's been almost 2 years now since I last saw PENICILLIN.
God, the time goes so fast.