[Translation] Acid Black Cherry--INCUBUS

Aug 18, 2015 23:08


Not that this should surprise anyone up on your mythology, as incubi are male sex demons that come to do the nasty to you in your sleep (which I always thought of as SO UNFAIR, I mean, if you're gonna do it, come on, at least throw me a little bit here). That being said, the protagonist here (surely L) is addressing her own incubus, and basically begging him to (as in JDA's "Dry?") at least make the sex good enough that she doesn't have to remember her lost love/pain in her past.

There's a couple of really filthy verbs in here that will be familiar to some of our readers.
溶けて交ざり合い is a very special compound verb that is really hard to translate in lyrics because it's basically exchanging fluids and there is NO WAY to make that sound sexy when you put it like that, but that's what it is. Sticky, hot, all-up-in-it crazy sex. Surprise, surprise, it's preceded by another "come inside me" sort of line so I tied it all together, as you will see. I find that the sexual metaphor are the times when I feel really restricted by English; because unless I use clunky compound verbs myself, I can't really express the full meaning of something like はじけてしまえ which I eventually decided should be "let yourself go inside of me", but it's very ejaculatory in construction (the same verb is used in "Pistol"). It's hard to describe because I visualize verbs, if that makes sense, and that one is like when you have an orgasm that's just SO GOOD that you literally collapse after it's over (hey hey sexy TMI)...so that's the image that we're trying to get across here.

So, yep, once again, the same sort of imagery we see a LOT of these fallen women kind of interchanging sex for love, or rather, deeming themselves unworthy of love, deciding to at least accept the illusion of love that sex provides them (if, of course, it's good enough to make them forget why they're so desperate for it in the first place). It's always been a sort of, if not trope, idea that has been profoundly fascinating to me as someone who enjoys looking at how cultures see sex and sexual imagery, especially as it relates to the emotional side of sex; at least in a lot of the pink films, there's the same common thread of the woman trying to win the man's love through sex, or in the case of say, Oniroku Dan's work, sexual submission as a form of humiliation, that deeply cerebral thing where a woman will convince herself that she is not good enough to not be a submissive, that she has to earn back or take penance for something that she has lost.
I can't say that it really has anything to do with yasu's work in particular, as "Hana to Hebi" was filmed in 1974, a year before he was born...and it's not like I can really be like SO HEY how familiar are you with these things?!
But, considering how this is a recurring theme, it honestly would not surprise me if maybe his parents' stashes he saw as a teenager had a few of these kinds of things going on.

Dammit I need to stop talking about my other strange-ass hobbies and get this going here so go on then.

I don't want to cry in the pain.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't sleep. I can't dream.
It's all a nightmare.
I can't wake up Incubus. I…

I wake up in a nightmare, I fall a sleep
Wishing I don't have to cry all day and all the nights

インキュバス いるんでしょ?
寝ても覚めても もう悪夢ばかり
夢でもいいから あなたでもいい 愛して

I don't want to cry in the pain.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't sleep. I can't dream.
It's all a nightmare.
I cry with me myself and I…

インキュバス 痛いじゃない
私を犯すなら 過去は見せないでよ
せめて夢くらい いい夢にして
ねぇどうせ犯すなら 壊れるくらい快楽を

あの頃 私 夢を見てたの この世界はバラ色って
何かが狂い 乱れて枯れて 悪夢が私にキスをした

いったい 私の何がいけなかったの?
いったい どうすれば良かったって言うの?
馬鹿にしないで 悔しいのよ
だって そうやって言ったじゃない!あれだってしょうがなかった!
Just on time! もうやめて!

インキュバス 壊してよ
もうこんな世界さえ すべて壊してよ
はじけてしまえ 私の中で
溶けて交ざり合い 悪魔を宿して
お願い 愛をちょうだい

あの頃 私 夢を見てたの この世界はバラ色って
気づけば私 夢の迷い子 悪夢はまだ終わらない
色のない夢 殺される声 1つずつ奪われてく
音のない世界 感じない愛 悪夢はまだ終わらない


I don't want to cry in the pain.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't sleep. I can't dream.
It's all a nightmare.
I can't wake up Incubus. I...

I wake up in a nightmare, I fall a sleep
Wishing I don't have to cry all day and all the nights

Incubus, you're there, aren't you?
Asleep or awake, all I see is nightmares
If there is no one left who will love me
If I have no future
Even if just in my dreams, you're good enough, so love me

I don't want to cry in the pain.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't sleep. I can't dream.
It's all a nightmare.
I cry with me myself and I...

Incubus, doesn't it hurt you
If you have to violate me, don't show me the past too
At least let my dreams be sweet ones
Those flashbacks I can't stop seeing
Hey, if you're going to rape me either way, at least give me pleasure enough to break me

Back then, I had a dream you know, that the world was the color of roses
Some kind of madness, scattering, withering, I was kissed by a nightmare

What did I do so wrong?
What was I supposed to do?
Don't treat me like a fool, it's so frustrating how you do that
I mean, didn't I tell you to do it?! There was nothing I could have done about that!
Just on time! Just stop!

Incubus, just break me
Or at least shatter this world into pieces
Let yourself go inside of me
Keep your demons here by coming together with me
Please, just give me your love

Back then, I had a dream you know, that the world was the color of roses
The next thing I knew, I was lost in those dreams, in a nightmare that has yet to end
Those dull, colorless dreams, the voice that could kill them, are stolen one by one
A world without sound, a love I can't feel, the nightmare that has yet to end

acid black cherry translations

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