Well, I knew that if I was going to actually make a post, it would have to be a doozy. I still can't fucking believe that last night just happened. I just met Quentin Tarantino and I have pictures!
Got tickets for the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar to see Snakes on a Plane with Ryan and the gang. Madness ensued....
Before the Movie:
I get in the car when they're picking me up only to find Jonathan in the backseat clutching some baking pans in his lap; in one pan is a cake shaped like snakes and, of course, in the other is a cake shaped like a plane.
All the way to the movie theatre and all the while we were in line, I proceeded to voice my consternation at being told that I should not eat the cake until "more people show up." But it was food and I WAS HUNGRY, so sue me. Good thing I didn't eat it all, 'cause the cakes produced quite a spectacle. Of course we were confronted with Drafthouse employees asking about the cakes, but we assured them that we had connections with management and that as long as we talked to Management Guy "Trey" about the cakes we were cleared to bring them inside. When Trey showed up, he stated that while it was theatre policy not to allow outside food inside the theatre, our cakes were just "so cool" that he was willing to make an exception.
We'd gotten there a couple hours early, so we staked out our positions toward the front of the line. For the next two hours, our cakes attracted a lot of attention including the attention of a reporter. All I'm saying is that SOMEONE's gonna be in the paper soon. There was much beer drinking in line (but I hate beer so I remained completely sober), and then.... Could it be? They started letting us into the theatre.
Waiting in line; I'm on the floor with aught but my legs, nose, and mouth concealed.
Joel and I have weird looks on our faces here. Ryan must have been being a dick.
Ryan guzzling a Corona.
And this picture just about sums up my life situation for the past couple months. Art imitating life. And I'm oblivious in the middle.
Waiting in the Theatre:
Cake eating was had. And it was delicious. I also had half of a quesadilla, which was also delicious. News also spread that Quentin Tarantino and Rosario Dawson were there to see the movie, and at first I didn't believe it. Ryan was the one that told me, and he's a big fat liar most of the time when it comes to little, gullible me, but he assured me it was true. And it also didn't reek of his usual bullshit, so I believed him. I set out on a quest to have a celebrity sighting, but it didn't happen and the movie was about to start, so I headed back to my seat.
Movie Time:
What can I say about the movie that anyone else can't say? It is a thing of legend. Good thing I had to go through that conditioning therapy when I was in Intro Psych. a couple years back. I was pre-screened as someone who was terribly afraid of snakes, and I qualified for treatment so I'm much better about my irrational fear of snakes. Had I not gone through therapy, I'm not sure I would have been able to take it. I did have to have my hand partially covering the screen about half the time due to gruesome deaths, but isn't that kinda the point? I don't think I've ever had that much fun watching a movie in a theatre before. It was the whole point to heckle it (and Ryan kept making Whookie sounds throughout the showing), so how could I possibly become irritated with the occasional person who just can't seem to shut-up which seems to happen so much when going to a movie theatre. Nope, it was open season on snakes, and by god we were gonna heckle our way through the next couple hours.
And the Movie Ends:
We slowly shuffled our way out of the theatre. It took us so long to get things in order and say goodbye to everyone that we were some of the last people there. We headed out to the car, where a strange surprise was waiting for us.
How auspicious! "Exotic Reptiles" for sure!
We were driving by the entrance, ready to head home when I remarked that the night would have been perfect if Quentin Tarantino had been watching the movie in our theatre. Then Ryan pointed out... Wait a minute. Isn't that Quentin Tarantino right over THERE?! Score. And Rosario Dawson and Harry Knowles were there, too. Triple score.
QT is, of course, very inebriated and he's looking decidedly ebil.
Ryan gets his photo-op in after telling QT that his parents wouldn't let him see "Pulp Fiction" when he was twelve, so he snuck a viewing while his parents were out shopping.
Jonathan started his own mini-adventure trying to get a picture with QT.
Nope, not quite.
Getting colder.
Jonathan in the foreground with Harry Knowles and QT in the background.
And we have a WINNER!
Rosario Dawson taking a picture with some people.
Rosario taking a pic with Jonathan. I think he's in love.
Wow, was that long enough for ya? I still can't believe it....