actually no this is not a legit entry either

Aug 18, 2011 13:25

i actually spent a lot of yesterday tinkering around with my layout. i think it's pretty spiffy, if i do say so myself.

kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8 kiku_cha8_8

i'm also toying with the idea of changing journals or getting a rename token since my lj name isn't aesthetically pleasing. hm. my 15 year old self's creativity just doesn't translate well for a 22 year old. who woulda thunk?

i spent the other half of yesterday panicking because a guy from okc wanted to talk with me on the phone and i wasn't particularly interested. in the end i just talked with him, there is no point being rude. turns out our conversation was just as awkward as i anticipated. it probably would have been better if i could understand his thick accent and mumbling. at one point i realized he was talking about cricket, and not about tennis, like i initially thought. right after when i thought it was all hopeless, he asked me when i would be back in seattle and if we could meet up for coffee. oh boy.

received my first booty call on okc. i shrieked and laughed myself silly over it, because really? needless to say the boy was of course, crude and straight to the point. i trolled him back, equally as crude and straight to the point. he wasn't too pleased ✧◡✧

lj's rich text editing is a lot easier. i like what they have done with it.

social fail, journal related, layout

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