l o l

Jun 03, 2011 11:44

So double exams tomorrow. Investments and International Finance Theory. These are two of the hardest classes in the entire Finance Department. I have no idea what I was thinking when I decided to enroll in both of my classes :\ Actually I wasn't thinking and now I'm screwed

Well thank goodness I s/ns -ed Investments. After thinking long and hard about how I did on the midterm and how my professor sets up grading distribution, I decided that I couldn't deal. My professor has it set up that if anyone gets three standard deviations below the average (I will tell you the average was about 75/100 with a standard deviation of 6. I achieved a stellar 53/100) will have the midterm dropped and the final will weigh 60% of their grade. That is just too much of a risky gamble for me.

The other class isn't too bad. I did a little below average on the midterm, but nothing stunningly mediocre like Investments. My gpa will rest on how I do in this class.
 I try to understand the concepts we learn, I get some of them, but I just can't seem to absorb everything else :\ A lot of it has to do with how disenchanted and unmotivated I am with college. Last quarter, I've actually busted my tail studying for some exams but it seems that no matter how hard I try, how much I ask questions and review, I only do marginally better than if I don't try at all. That is just endlessly frustrating. I hate it.  All the try-hard overachievers that like to ask the most obscure random questions to seem smart. Go fail an exam and stop screwing up the curve kthx.

Oh ffs since when have I become such a defeatist. 

cry moar, all you ever say is blah blah blah, exams, college

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