30 day meme - day 23 and 24

Feb 02, 2011 06:20

 day 01 - introduce yourself
day 02 - your first love
day 03 - your parents
day 04 - what you ate today
day 05 - your definition of love
day 06 - your day
day 07 - your best friend
day 08 - a moment
day 09 - your beliefs
day 10 - what you wore today
day 11 - your siblings
day 12 - what's in your bag
day 13 - this week
day 14 - what you wore today
day 15 - your dreams
day 16 - your first kiss
day 17 - your favorite memory
day 18 - your favorite birthday
day 19 - something you regret
day 20 - this month
day 21 - another moment
day 22 - something that upsets you
day 23 - something that makes you feel better
day 24 - something that makes you cry
day 25 - a first
day 26 - your fears
day 27 - your favorite place
day 28 - something that you miss
day 29 - your aspirations
day 30 - one last moment

day 23 - something that makes you feel better
I have different methods of coping. Usually I talk to a friend about it and I feel so much better when I do. If nobody is available, I usually go mull over it at a Cafe or something. I like reminding myself that every life has hardships and in about an hour, a week, a month, or however long it will take, I will be a better person in the end.

If I'm feeling particularly bad, I usually have a good cry over it, and then an angry nap. Why do I have a mental age of like, five. n____n

Creampuffs and milk tea always are helpful :Q

day 24 - something that makes you cry
I don't know if it's a me thing or if it's particularly normal in others, but if I'm feeling really upset (like almost to the point of crying) and if you console me, I will end up crying. I think that the reason I do that is because I feel upset that I am bothering others with my stupid problems/self. Like I'm wasting their time or something. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. smh at self.

Um nothing really going on in my life. I have a cold, on my monthly, and my sleep schedule is so messed up. I'm exhausted, both mentally and physically but when I try to sleep, I just lie there half asleep and in sleep paralysis for hours on end. I "wake up" exhausted and attending class like a zombie. I did take a nap after class today; was planning for an hour, maybe two hour nap. Nope. Slept at 7pm...woke at 2am ;\  SLEEP SCHEDULE IS DESTROYED /O/

Also I inexplicably have Bieber's Baby Baby stick in my head (◢◙◣益◢◙◣)

sleep, why am i still awake, 30daymeme, college

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