Mukahi Gakuto ^^

Aug 16, 2005 21:59

I really should be working on my SAT homework....--;;;

But I did this instead...
Here's the second part of the picture that I'm working on right now....there's a third person too...I can't believe it only took 2 hours to color and ink all of this...
So here he is for everyone who's interested. ^^
Mukahi Gakuto

I messed up on his should be more of a maroon color...and his shoulders look odd. Hm...I'll fix it sometime... -_-;;;

For those who's not familiar to PoT, he's from one of the more popular rival schools, Hyotei, and yes. Gakuto has the same pronunciation as "Gackt". Diff. meanings tho...
向日岳人<--here's his kanji. the last two symbols means uh..."Mountaineer" (?) whereas "Gackt" is written in plain english. =3

..oh dear I seemed to have gone off topic. ^^;
*goes to work on sat stuff*

procrastinating, art, japanese

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