Well...there goes several years of my life.

Oct 05, 2008 01:58

So just this afternoon, my external hard drive, which I have had for five years, has officially died. All of my music, pictures, photos, homework, and video clips were stored on there. It was basically a compilation of my life on there. Showcasing all my interests and memories in bytes and folders. *weeps in her corner*

I am currently grieving over a hard drive. It may seem silly but I really loved that thing.

It housed all of my music, which has always been something that has kept me from depression from all these stressful years. Some of that music was hard to find too, I put in a lot of hours finding all of it....and some of the files were extremely rare. I LOST ALL MY JOE HISAISHI MUSIC! AND ALL MY TENIPURI STUFF! AND HAKKENDEN, WHICH WAS MY FAVORITE OLD SCHOOL ANIME ALBUM EVER

It also had my memories on there, countless pictures that I've taken to help preserve my school days and trips as well as images that I found lovely. It also had my schoolwork, which as bad as some of it was, was something that reminded me of how much I have changed and improved. *cries* all my high school pictures

But most importantly, it contained a letter from my father expressing how much he and my mother were proud of me and my accomplishments. I found it around this time last year and I was really touched by the letter. Call me a sentimental fool, but I was really happy with how sincere and well written the letter was. It made me cry because my dad, who is not touchy feely/sentimental at all, wrote that and it really meant something.

I just wish there was a way to retrieve my data without paying $70+ an hour. ;__;

I'm hoping it will somehow come back to life long enough for me to rescue my dad's letter.  

life, why do i always seem to have bad luck?!

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