Daarrggghh ><;;;

Mar 25, 2007 01:07

Well, I finally made it to Spring Break. I think I've achieved a lot this past week:
*I've finally figured out what the heck was wrong with my other two college apps. (thanks to Ms. Arrigotti)
*I've finished my book in English and my group got second place in the prompt contest
*I got all of my ch. 17 bookwork finished for AP Chem.
*I met with a lady from PwC (potential internship place) for an interview and gave her my resume (which she was surprised I had :D) However, I think the resume I gave her was the screwy one. I keep on finding typos and weird stuff on it. D:
*I discovered how awesome the song I'm listening to now is
*I picked up drawing again

But...for some reason...I just can't help but feel just nasty and frustrated lately.

I mean, the other day on the bus, this one kid (who usually is annoying, but I still tolerate him) just said a simple statement(I think it was 'Is there someone you're interested in' or something along the lines of that) and I really wanted to ask how his girlfriend (who was nearby) could possibly find something attractive about him.

Looking back, I feel really bad for being rude. And I'm getting annoyed at myself for my own frustration. Tonight, I sat down at 10pm to do some math homework, and about 10 minutes ago after eight problems, I finally figured out that I had now idea what I'm doing. I can't even figure out what to do, because we were never taught how to do what the book is asking us. My teacher taught us what to do when we stick certain parameters in the equations, but never how to solve. Because I keep on getting number answers when the book is listing stuff like tan(x+1).

A good chunk of that time was spent washing dishes, getting ice cream out, scooping ice cream, cutting the cake and putting everything away for my brothers birthday cake. I swear, no one besides my mom at my house can do anything. Everytime, when something has to be done and my mom is taking a nap, everyone looks over at me. Or just sit blankly, waiting for to be served. God...
Oh well, I going to sleep. I have a 10 hour work day D:

moods, school, day, work

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