Me and my friends get no respect.... (from the song I'm listening to)

Feb 21, 2007 17:47

Hello all, right now I'm at the Beaverton Hillsboro Science Expo. I'm really bored... Everyone's passing the time away right now letting the public see our projects. I'll update a bit more at home, seems like we're packing up, ne?

Oh yeah! My friend Yufei is a finalist for Nationals! I hope she does well :-)

**Edit** Yufei got first in her catagory, but not the Nationals. :-( Oh well, Congrats to her ^__^ The wonder Juniour duo (Brian and Morgan) got a buttload of engineering awards. Go them! Congrats to Rosie and Kim for winning first in their catagory as well.

I didn't win anything. :( but perhaps it's due to the fact that there were barely any judges around my area. Plus, it didn't seem liked they (the judges that did come around) were particularly interested in my project. But at the awards ceremony, I swear, it was like a chant for the same people over and over. "Westview person #1, Glencoe Person #5, Merlo Station Team #2, Merlo Station person #8, Westview person #1, Merlo Station Team #2, Brian, Morgan, Morgan, Brian, Glencoe Person #2, Merlo Station Team #2, Westview person #1, Brian, Brian, Westview Team #1, etc",

Oh well...

school, fail

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