I need to make this quick....

Aug 08, 2006 23:37

I've been really unbelievably busy these couple of days. I've been working a lot...and I need to get Senior pics done...

My family is planning a trip to Washington to check out the colleges and I need to figure out what I wanna study.... Because as it turns out, my Aunt and Uncle up there know the professors and they want to schedule me in to meet them. Not just do a campus visit.

But I'm in a bind. I am a very indecisive person and can't figure out what I want to major in. It will not look very good to the professors if I set up meetings with them just to say "I don't know" :/

So far, I'm leaning towards these majors:
International Business/Marketing

and I really like Dermitology, but I'm not sure what major that'd be in. Because I can't find that listed anywhere.

Gargh and I have to finish my AP Homework. :

future, college

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