Fear the Crack

Jun 03, 2006 19:43

I GOT MY SAT DONE! *kills the test of evil*

Oh geez, the last couple of days have been fun. Sweethikari-chan and I have been basically been on a JE spree for a while...and 'lo and behold, here's the tree of our insanity:

Please feel free to gaffaw at me. I probably need it. xD

Gackt Papa: Gackt's really amusing to poke at, not in a mean way, but in a funny way. After all, he does claim to be 400 something years old; in those years, he probably made a couple babies on the sly. xD

Trish Thuy Trang - Mommy: I'm not as knowlegeable about her as Sweethikari-chan is, but from the stuff I have seen from her, she's pretty cool.

Uncle Hyde (from L'arc~en~ciel): I am really not sure how he popped up....just one day sweethikari yelled 'UNCLE HYDE' in the car and it was amusing to me. But, he's a amigo of Daddy up there, so it will fit. Plus he shares a love of balancing pencils with Yamapi.

Cousin Hikki: We needed another girl in the family. And I've been listening to Passion a lot lately....

Auntie BoA: I think she's a really nice person and after seeing her 'Atlantis Princess' PV, she can dance! LOL, she can serve as a translator during the family reunions.

JinJin: Oh yes, this son definately inherited Gackt-Papa's love of misusing English. ::coughHa-Hacough:: He's the oldest son because he is the oldest, but his and son number two's maturity can be questionable at times. ^^;; The sons can really dance, ne....

Yamapi: As I said with Jin, his maturity is questionable at times. I blame him for starting this insane family. But, like his daddy, he's VERY competitive (I heard he and Jin had a race to see who would gain the most weight, he won xD) and a bit on the wacky side. And he's CUTE! ♥♥

Kame: He's more like Mommy then the other two. The youngest 'child' and also the most 'mature' (although running on stage during Yamapi's Daite Senorita perf. on 6/2 MS made me wonder if he's getting some of Papa's randomness). Was in Gokusen with Jin and Nobuta with Yamapi.

je, gackt, crack

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