First Day as an Upperclassmen...

Sep 07, 2005 19:23

Whoo...first day of school. I remember the first thing I said was, "I want to go back home to sleep...." XD That's me... Well, today has it's ups and downs. I kind of regret switching acadamies, and now roaming in a different part of my school, but some of the classes make up for it.

The bus ride wasn't terribly long. I had Harutoki music in my ears so I was happy. But it was really short! It was only about 10 minuets...0_0 I usually like longer bus rides so that I can listen to more music. XD

We had to fight for reprints of our schedules, they didn't change for me. Same classes I need to change. Web Design was pretty fun. We learned about tags and I hung out with the people I basically knew (Ross, Alex H., and Cole) Hehe..the teacher complimented me on our first coding. Nice. I like the little heart you got to show up -->♥
-->Advisory scared me. I miss my advisor from last year, Mr. Wunder. There are only two girls in the entire advisory! I thought it was just me, but Jessica C. showed up late. :phew: I have someone to talk to. I miss Bubbles....wah...and Joe...wah...
-->AP Bio was pretty cool. I got to hang out with Mellini and Yuffie and there's a lot of people I know. The teacher was nice too. He reminds me of a froggie...
-->Ok Lunch was fun. I hung out with Mellini and Michelle. Then went to change our schedules with the counselor. OK, WTF... when we went in there there were 6 people in line. Cool. We had time. Well lunch ended. THERE WERE STILL 6 PEOPLE IN LINE ahead of us. Because during our wait, the counselor left and it took forever for another to come. Then I basically missed Japanese, one of the classes I need to change; I'm in JPN 1 and 2 and that needs to be 4. I gave sensei a message and still waited. Then all of us, MNM lol, waited for another 90 min. and STILL didn't get our schedules changed! WTF? And to make it worse, the counselor threw the rest of us out. There was like 16 something people in there. What takes her so long? I remember doing this last year and it only took 5 minuets for me...
-->so after being thrown out, Mellini and I headed to Digital Photography. That should be a fun class, and Mrs. Bieri is a really funny teacher. She had the best face in describing greasy fingers. "those yucky greasy slimy ukki fingers!"

Oh I love Heise's artwork! It's gorgeous! I showed Ross it earlier and he was like, "....sugoi o_o" here's a link to her devi place. Warning, she is BL friendly. =D Check her out:
This is not a photo! I swear! 0_0

Tehehe...I got a college recruitment type of letter. From Washington University in St. Louis... 0_0 I'm gonna send for more info and a free book on colleges. =D

*snuggles all*

Edit:I am now watching Gackt sing live. Metamorphoze is a kool kool song! it me? Or does he look really scary!angry? Or is it just a Gackt thing?
Yes! He dances! =D

school, art, day

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