How could I not want him....

Jun 27, 2004 01:23

LEAD SCREAMER FOR LAMB OF GOD’s Randall Blythe’s “top 10 reasons why I hate touring with my heavy metal band”

1. Not having your own shitter. Ever tried to sit down on a toilet at a heavy metal show? Blood, piss, vomit, god knows what else is every where. DISGUSTING.

2. Play station 2- always on, always annoying. How many times can a man watch the same mission of G.T.A. Vice City be consistently failed?

3. Willie the guitar player eating my last bit of food in a drunken frenzy. He always picks the nights when I am really hungry too.

4. The horrific smell of 11 unwashed sweaty men. All the glory of the world's most ghetto locker room.

5. The Playboy channel- Jesus H. Christ, if it's not PS2, it's this soft-core garbage, 24/7. I mean c'mon, 11 dudes sitting around watching crappy porn together with no women? No bueno.

6. Miller Lite- my God, it comes in PLASTIC BOTTLES. Why is this the predominate beer on our rider? Have my bandmates lost their minds?

7. Our women are all at home. No lovin'. Nuff said.

8. Absolutely no privacy. I can't call my dear mother from anywhere on this bus at anytime without some drunken buffoon screaming something about having rough sex with a midget or some such nonsense as soon as they see I am trying to hold a serious conversation.

9. No one has the common decency to be quiet during my much needed beauty sleep- 6 am till 2 pm. C'mon, I'm only the fucking lead singer. We keep our own hours.

10. Relentless press assignments that cause me to write sardonic top 10 lists like this one in which I whine about having the best job in the world.

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