May 16, 2005 01:34
HMMMMM. I should like...update this.
It's 115AM, and my dad got back from his NATO school-conference thingie in Germany today! He brought GUMMI BEARS, CRAZY GERMAN CHOCOLATES, and KINDER EGGS.
and two bottles of beer. xD They look so cool! crazyyyy shaped bottles.
Hmmmmmm. My new English teacher used to work at Network Video and she ODDLY ENOUGH knows my brother and mom, rather well..on a first name basis. o_O;
Yeeeeaaah. It's a 630PM-940PM class on Thursday nights. ALL the people in my class are either single moms or married parents. I'm the youngest one in there and have already wooed everyone with my computer skillz. lol I showed them how to use the projector which hooks up to the computer, and they think I'm a saint. It's crazy. ho ho ho.
Ever since Krysten moved, my social life is nill. I enjoyed our "baby excursions" we'd go on...Wal Mart at 9PM at night to stroll around with the baby until she finally fell asleep...and we'd grocery shop for mommy too, since her husband is a no-good slob who doesn't care if she or the baby starves, dies, or anything. yugh. But yes, I've not had friends a while. months, actually. It's not so bad, since my brother is one of my closest friends anyway...odd to say.. lol
Kerry is coming back from GA Tech on Tuesday, yaaaay!! She's staying up there for the summer so she'll be MISSED VERY MUCH SOME MORE. *glare* But I understand the whole class situation so I'll forgive her. lol
I'm also in charge of making her little sister, Shannon's graduation cake! They were impressed with my cooking skills, I guess. lol I feel like a pro now.
Hmmmmm. I also think Matt should get online, he has some AMAZING artwork on his DA site. He lives in FWB too, so I'd like to meet him and we could help each other with our lacking social lives. lol He's a Con man; he goes to Anime and Comic Cons and gets comissions for his artwork. Apparently, he knows the chick who draws "Peach Fuzz" the manga...and I own that manga...and it's good. and that's just awesome that he knows her. He's really cool from our earlier conversations, and apparently we have a lot in common. Like, we don't like wearing pants. xD hahah. and we like hawaiian print. and we both squeal like little girlies when there's a spider. hahah.
Anyyyyyway, that's pretty much all that's going on with me..
oh wait. I'm getting a new bed and a daybed for my may even arrive TOMORROW!! OMG. I'm going to be getting an "L" or "U" shaped desk and dresser and entertainment center for my room as well. When that gets all moved in, I'm going to have a most-likely ULTRA BELATED birthday party for myself. Anyone's invited, doesn't matter who you are. If you don't behave then I'll make you leave, that's the only thing. I want a FUN party and not anything that resembles my family's daily conversations: fighting. haha. But yeah, leave me a note or call me and try to RSVP...I dunno when it'll be, but keep the idea in mind when scheduling. not that that leaves much to I'm so contradicting. teehee. Well, the angle that I'm typing this leaves much pain to add to the already-growing back pain I've accumulated since beginning this.
So I guess I'll leave off with this note:
KOTOR 2 and XMen Legends are most excellent games to get addicted to when browsing through one's brother's room. I recommend them. haha.
Oh, I got a haircut too. crazzzzzy.
Anyway...I guess I'll update more later!