(no subject)

Oct 22, 2003 16:43

Happy Birthday Natey poo!
dammit, you're 19.
oh well.

In AP English, McLaughlin brought up the discussion of killing someone for revenge. He was like, "raise your hand if you could kill somebody" I, of course, raised mine(I was the only girl). So, McL commented, "Kimmy, I know you would, I've known since a few years back when you admitted you would kill all of us and not feel any compassion about it"(right after 9-11, we had a discussion on that in Gifted Studies). Patrick Shreve, Andrew Solynctjes(sp), and Joe Ely raised their hands too.. yeah, I was the only girl, I felt special. I wanted to bring up my suave idea of killing someone by using a paperclip to dig a hole through their armpit to their heart, and proceed to rip it out...but i didn't, it was a class full of Preps, i was worried I'd make them cry or something... yah yah.

ahahaha. i stayed after school to work on the scene for Drama, and we decided to use brown paint, but since it hadn't been used in a while, it was in need of stirring up. So, Nessa got the paint stick, started stirring, I walked over and was like "OMG POOP IN CAN, AWESOME" and she and Kristen cracked up. After a few minutes of stirring, she asked me what she should do with the clumpy stuff(dried paint, it's latex, that was still in the bucket)...I made a comment about it looking even more like Poop. Then I grabbed it with my bare hand and walked around offering it to people, "Would you care for some..................POOP?" Eventually people got grossed out and so I went and threw it out..then I washed the brown painty-ness off my hand. yay.

in other news, I duct taped Nessa today. When I was done, it looked like she was pregnant and with a gray belly. yeah...

i think there was an academic team tourney today...
o_0; oops? I just go to the meetings occasionally.. how should I know when there's a tourney? I have Optimist and ECY on both days that it meets..sheeeeeesh. oh welllll/.

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