"Oh my god...you licked my red puddle!"

Jul 21, 2004 23:54

Tonight was really the relief I needed, I think. I was able to get my mind off of all of the things I've been worrying about lately.

Megan and I picked up Jenna where we headed off to get some ice cream. Holy cow, I had the best ice cream: New York Cheesecake or some crap like that. It was cheesecake ice cream with graham crackers in it. Oh god ::swoons::

We are quite the indecisive bunch so we decided to drive to Balboa (aka "the end of the continent") and frolic in the sand for a bit. I'm a dumbass and didn't bring a sweatshirt, so I was freezing my ass off.

I had quite the giggles tonight for some reason. I'll blame it on the ice cream :)

After our beach adventure, Jenna and Megan wanted some food so we headed on over to Del. We were surprised that there weren't a million and 3 kids outside, but as soon as we said that, this guy comes running into the joint. It was Blake!! He said he was driving in his friends car and he saw me inside from all the way across the parking lot, so he ran in to say hello :) Sweet kid that Blake is <3

I apparently licked Megan's red puddle, but lets not get into that...

We dropped Jenna off at home and Megan and I sat in the car for a few minutes outside of my house just talking about "the rape game." I think it would be...interesting.

Anyway, that was our night. I had lots and lots of much-needed fun.

Now I want to go to the fair...

I think Megan and I are going to the beach tomorrow during the day. Woo! I better keep myself covered or else I just may blind everyone there. Eek!
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