"Everything owns to you, doesn't it?"

Jul 15, 2004 18:37

Today was neat. It was a nice change of pace from the monotonous afternoons I've been experiencing these past few weeks.

I knitted a bit while watching Ricki Lake. That show is horrid, but oh so entertaining. It was about a bunch of people having crushes on their co-workers, friends, etc. and there was one couple that was extra cute. A girl had a crush on her best friend of like 10 years or something like that and she brought him on the show. Low and behold, he liked her too! Awww...

Then Kim wanted to pick something up at the Spectrum, so I tagged along. We ended up spending quite a long time there where I bought a couple small things and had some Coldstone. You know, all I have eaten today has been ice cream. That's terrible! I think I'll eat some veggies for dinner or something. Itamar met up with us there and we just walked around talking. 'Twas very mellow, but I liked it :)

Now I'm home. I'll probably knit some more and then clean the house up a bit later.

Oh! I watched the most ridiculous movie last night-Wrong Turn. You know, nothin' better than inbreds with barbed wire and vicious attitudes.
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