(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 01:00

I loved today. A lot.

I woke up at a relatively decent hour because I promised Grant I'd go to the beach with him and Brian. Well, Ryan and Brian's brother decided they'd join us, too. So, we went in search of sunscreen and then all piled into Brian's car and headed off to Huntington. Why is it the unwritten rule that, since I'm the smallest/a girl, I must sit in the middle in the back? It was all fine and dandy, but the guys of course wouldn't stop leaning on me, unbuckling my seatbelt, etc. But, I can't complain because I secretly loved it.

I was dubbed sunscreen putter-onner because, understandably, none of the guys wanted to feel each other up, so I was given the job. You know, this is really sounding wrong. I swear I'm not their slave/whore/bitch, lol. Anyway...

The water was flippin' freezing! We were all sportin' purple lips and goosebumps, so it wasn't long before we decided the warm sand was much more appealing. Plus, the water was awfully gross for some reason and there were tons of jellyfish moseying about.

We all just then laid out and people watched. That was fun <3 Brian and Ryan were against going to TK Burger (the best place in Huntington, for anyone that's in the area), so we went back to Irvine and went to In-N-Out instead. Brian had to pick his mom up at 5, so Grant, Ryan, and I sat in the bed of Grant's truck and ate. I then proceeded to tell them about the time Tara and her boyfriend filled a truck bed with water and used it as a small pool and they thought it was a terrific idea. (See! Tara, I heart you, hehe.)

Hey, and for once, I didn't get a sunburn. Sweeeeet.

I just went home, washed all of the sand out of my crevasses, and then went with Brian over to Grant's to watch Primal Fear. They weren't all that impressed, except with the ending. ::sigh:: I was sad, but oh well. It was fun anyway! We then spent like an hour outside of his house just talking, dancing, etc. It was really cute. They crack me up!

But, I've come to the conclusion that I'd really not know what to do with myself if it weren't for them. They're just so gosh darn cute and don't treat me any differently because I'm a girl. Well, I don't mean that in a bad way. They open doors and stuff for me, but they say and do anything in front of me without feeling weird. I absolutely adore that. ...Especially Grant. He's the freakin' most adorable thing ever invented. He'll just stare at me and give me this look that gets me every single time. We have this really, really cool relationship where we can totally pick on each other, but we both know we're kidding. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm just glad nothing got weird between us after I opened my big mouth back in June.

Annnd now I'm here at home. I've got work at 10, so I should really be in bed, but am I? Of course not. Livejournal has consumed my life!

But, I AM excited about tomorrow night. Clubbing with Aleks, Grant, Ryan, Brian, Jill, and possibly Kris? Love it.

Well, goodnight, kids <3
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