Here's a song for you lovely

Aug 01, 2005 21:45

Goodness gracious. I'm really slacking on the LJ front these days, eh? I have a feeling this one will be lengthy, though.

Well, lets see here. I 'spose I can pick up from Saturday.

Aami made appointments with Janet for us to get our hair cut. I have to be honest; I was a little nervous at first because I walked into the place and saw no one under 50. Code Red. However, she did a FANTASTIC job...and it was only $20, so I'm not complaining. We then went to the mall to get Maya's birthday presents. There had been this guy working at the Jimmy Choo shoe store that Aami and I saw a few weeks back that was pretty good looking. Aami, of course, was contemplating the fact that he might be Jewish. So, we walk by the store and he turns around and sees us. But, do we look away? NO. We three stand there staring through this glass wall for at least 20 seconds. It was terribly embarrassing, but hilarious!

We picked up Malek and then went over to Maya's place. It was just us and a few other people, so I wasn't too shy. Everyone had dinner and then we decided we'd drive over to the beach to have a bonfire. We wasted 2 hours driving around looking for a pit, but there were none to be found. So, we went back to Maya's instead to have cake and play some games, etc. I'm surprised Aami didn't rock the boat considering Courtney was there. Courtney is quite possibly the rudest and most stuck up person I've ever met in my life. And that's saying a lot, people. She kicked her boyfriend several times below the belt and told him, "Do you think you're funny? Because you're not. So shut the fuck up and don't come near me." Wow, that's love...or something. It's too bad, too, because he's pretty cute.

I worked yesterday from noon to close and that was a heck of an ordeal. That place is so hectic! And it's always my luck that, whenever I work, the manager, the owner, and his wife are in. That means I've got to be on my best behavior, not that I'm not always anyway. But that just puts extra pressure on me. ::sigh:: Oh well. After work I went over to Aami's to watch a movie with her and the family. We tried renting American History X, but it was freakin' OUT. What the hell? I own it, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. But, we settled on watching Without A Paddle instead. I had never seen or heard of it, so Aami insisted that I watch it. It was really funny, actually.

I had a day off today and didn't do much of anything. It was the most wonderous experience ever. I woke up at noon, watched TV (which I never do, by the way), and talked to Brady all day long. Speaking of Brady, isn't it weird how people can randomly come into contact again years after they've separated? I find that amazingly bizzare. He's so nice, though. I can't believe I kicked him back in 8th grade. Bad Kelly! But yes, he's helped explain so many difficult concepts to me today and I heart him muchos for that. So, hats off to you, Brady :)

The Amster came over just a bit ago to make some phone calls. (Her phone is low on minutes, so I let her use my house phone. Aw, I'm nice, I know.) We ended up having a dance party in my room. I swear, we're the best dancing white girls known to man. Really, we are. Ask us to go dancing sometime.

Speaking of dancing, I'm freakin' EXCITED about Florida in January. I wish it were cheapest right now to buy plane tickets because I really want to get mine now. I'm that excited. I just miss it soooo much. My friends are great. My family's great. Everything is great. I get to ride the horses and take care of the animals and partay it up with my friends. You know, that's the only time of year I party. ...That's a bit pathetic, eh?

::sigh:: Welllll...I think I've spoken enough for the time being. I'm going to chat a bit more and then hit the hay because I've got work in the morning. Blah. But tomorrow night is Primal Fear at Aami's. Oh shit, Edward Norton with a southern accent. I do believe someone will have to physically restrain me so as to keep me from molesting the television.

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