Always be a lady

Jul 17, 2005 11:40

Friday night I went to go see Wedding Crashers with Aami, Maya, and this guy Maya met at school. He was, um, interesting...but nice, I suppose. The movie was hilarious. Aami was literally laughing so loudly that the people around us were laughing at HER. We didn't get home until 2 in the morning, though, and I had to get up for work at 7. Doh.

Work wasn't bad, considering it was the ornament premiere. It was me, my manager, and Gary, the owner of the store. That means I had be on my best behavior. Not that I'm not always anyway ;)

After work I just came home and hung out until Aami came over. She and I went to Blockbuster to get Mean Girls because our all-time favorite actress (Rachel McAdams) is in it <3 However, they only had ONE copy...and it was gone. What the heck! So, we got The Sweetest Thing instead. Now, this is where it gets funny:

::We put the movie up on the counter to check it out::
::The guy helping us was whistling and singing to himself, but we ignored it::
Schitzo Blockbuster Dude: "Sorry, I'm really bored."
Aami: "Oh, it's fine! We know how that goes."
Schitzo Blockbuster Dude: "So...The Sweetest Thing, eh? What's that about?"
Aami: "It's about three best friends that are just trying to find guys. You know, a chick flick."
Schitzo Blockbuster Dude: "You know, sometimes you guys just have to look right in front of you..."
Aami: (grabs movie) "You have a nice night..."
::We practically run out of there::

Smooth man, smooth.

We went to go get some ice cream with Malek at Rite Aid. Mmm <3 And then we just watched the movie back at Aami's...annnnd...that was pretty much my night.

Oh, but speaking of smooth, look at this. It totally made my night:
Moi: oh god, even though i look like an idiot in the morning hehe
Boy: no ya don't I am sure you're just as beautiful as any other girl
Moi: aw...
Moi: thanks
Boy: probably more

I have no idea what I'm doing today, BUT, I do know that I'm going to watch Charlie And The Chocolate Factory later <3333
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