Driving Fail

Dec 04, 2008 09:45

I should never be allowed/expected to drive in the early morning without adult supervision.

After dropping off my parents at the airport at 7am, I went in the wrong direction on I-480.

"... Gee, I don't remember passing Great Northern on my way over here. What the hell -- why I am going on the turnpike?"

I should have gone East, not West. It's an directional issue I have sometimes; I always mix up East and West when it comes to streets and highways if I don't have directions written out for me when I'm not familiar with a route. North and South usually isn't a problem for a Parma-girl -- everything is South but Cleveland.

Directional issues are then seriously compounded by not being A Morning Person.

So I didn't really get back to sleep like I planned to before leaving for Kent. Oh well, maybe I can sleep in the waiting area while I wait for Laura to get some teeth carved out.

mornings, driving

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