Jan 29, 2008 00:12
Fuck whatever happened to me this past weekend - it was boring and inconsequential.
There are more important matters at hand.
My necklace broke.
You've all seen me wear this necklace. I wear it all the freaking time, I almost never take it off. All it is is a simple cheap bead-chain with a charm that says 's t a r' in it in old typeface, with the 't' upside down.
I glanced at the floor a few minutes ago and saw the typeface section laying upside down under the futon. The casing was still hanging around my neck on the chain.
Listen, guys. My parents gave me that necklace the first day I came here to Kent as an actual student, freshman year. I remember opening the box for it in the car ride over here. My parents had gotten it from the MOMA in Cleveland. It was supposed to signify how proud they were of my accomplishments, for getting my scholarships, how I was their 'star.'
I know this thing wasn't expensive. It was probably pretty cheap, and the fact that it hadn't broken or anything before this is pretty amazing. I'm also incredibly lucky that the piece didn't fall off somewhere in the street or the shower and gotten lost forever. I can probably get some super-glue, and no-harm-no-foul no one will ever tell.
But I can't help but wonder and flip-out now. Is this some sign? Am I doing something wrong, making the wrong decision about what to do after grad school?
I'm really shaken up over this.
SIDENOTE: Dealt me some Tarot. Got the Five of Pentacles, The Fool, and the Two of Swords. I drew some more cards to clarify the last card, and got Temperance, Knight of Cups, and King of Cups. Still confused, but a little more comforted.