Mar 08, 2006 23:02
I'm updating sincerely and soberly, so be kind.
I don't think I've really got a grip on reality. I talked to "an old Professor of mine" yesterday (and by old, I mean from my only completed semester of college) and he took me up to his office in the Key Bank building on Michigan Ave. and we played putt-put on the carpet. For a long time. He told me all these stories about life and the real world (I was asking him for a reference letter) and he said that he thinks we shouldn't be afraid to move on to where the opportunities are more likely to present themselves. We'll probably miss a good deal on the way, he said, but when won't we? The only thing I think he kept mentioning that had adverse effects on my brain was the comment about people "not getting it." I think I'm one of those people. He says this about people who dress too down for a meeting, dress too up for a meeting. People who get degrees in anything, just to get a degree. People who become teachers just because it seems "easy." They may be trying, he said, but they're not getting it. And life is all about getting it.
I think- and this is hard for me to say- I think. Well. Maybe I won't say it. But I'm pretty disappointed in myself.
God what a waste of an entry. I didn't even say anything! I saved it because I got interrupted, meant to finish it, decided if I finished it, I'd just regret it, and am now writing this post script.
Sonofabitch. I just.. want someone to hear me.