Jan 29, 2006 00:20
Aurélie so klappt das nie..
I don't know if I've updated since "the incident" with Drew, but I doubt it. He showed up at my work, waiting for me to get out. I conveniently, CONVENIENTLY, had a flat tire that he offered to change. My, my.
So whatev. I don't know where to go from here, it's getting too crazy.
Oscar died! We held a brief funeral today for him. Lisa's words "This is so sad! Look at Oscar-he's in a Ziploc!" But so it goes.
Ermm what else. Chinese New Year yesterday. It was a rockin' sweet time with the International crowd. I met Zat from the Ukraine (whose name is technically "Zatruiskni" or something equally as fucked up), Sebastian from Romania (WHAT a cutie.) and Olu and Tola from Nigeria. They hit on Lisa a lot. Manu the Spaniard gone American stole Amanda's flare, for good, Phil was playing host, Malaysia entertained the crowd (You stay classy, Malaysia...) and we bonded pretty hardcore with the new French.
Who are good. So good. Chelsey, this is mostly for you: The new French have very American-looking names, but do not be fooled! I'm putting down their foreignized pronounciation RIGHT NOW:
...and those are the 3 important ones. Joel is our new fucking FAVORITE with a capital EVERYTHING. David is a puppy dog, but isn't very enthusiastic about learning English. They're roomies. Jonathan likes to hit on people when he's drunk, but he's French, so whatev. He rooms with Zat (See also: "Zatruiskni, or something equally as fucked up")
CCity party tonight at the store. It was actually a pretty good time. I was probably a little skeptical, but you know. I lost a game of Euchre, tried some desserts, hung out, shot the shit, and won a laser pointer. LOL. Ah, CCity, how you surprise me somedays...
Lots of things on the agenda tomorrow. If I update, it's because I'm a procrastinating failure. DAMN.
And that, my dearies, is how the cookie crumbles.