Sep 12, 2006 17:57
*~~Needless to say, this weekend was interesting. To keep things short and simple, some girl (not giving names) thought I was talking crap about her when I don't even know who she is. She decided to fight me (which I find kind of funny because it pissed TONS of other people off, besides me). I was going to press charges but decided not to (there's me being too unreasonably nice again) unless it happens again. If anyone wants to lay a finger on me, they will go to jail, and that's a PROMISE. Anyways, my point is that I am getting too old and I'm too focused to deal with this high-school drama bull-shit. If you want me to treat and see you as an adult then you act and handle yourself like one. Not to mention, someone's name coming out of my mouth at this point in time is a privilage, so if someone isn't close to me or my friend, believe me, they aren't that special/ lucky. ~~*
[[ Disclaimer: anyone who KNOWS me will find this entry hillarious...hahahahahaha]]
Anyways, I decided on two things. First, all of the fun people have graduated. Second, I laugh at people for ignorance, a lot. I used to get upset about it, now I just laugh. LOL
This weekend I am heading to Indianapolis "nap town" to stay with Mike's family. I'm staying the night there Friday, driving to Mike's game vs. St. Joseph on Saturday then going back to Indy Saturday night so that I can go to the Colt's game on Sunday. Mike's uncle has a suite down there, it is SOOO nice. I can't wait to be around grown and sexy individuals this weekend, finally! Too bad my girls can't come, that would be perfect.
Tonight my girl Dana and I are making up a routine for dance troupe. The max capacity for the class is 30-40, and I guarantee more than that will sign up. There are a few people in mind that I will cut for sure if they show up... karma is a
Anyways, I need to get going. I have to look up articles for my psychology research then do some other homework before Dana gets here.... talk to ya later!