Apr 10, 2005 01:48
today was so fun! we were so slow at work so it was basically just me and jen up there all morning. i asked jeff if i could officially start my expo training today so after i finished training the new hospo, i got to expo train. i basically ran hot side all by myself, it was so fun! i cant wait to certify next week.
after work i called tim and talked for a while. im so worried, kristina's going down there next weekend to look at univ of tampa. i dont want her to see tim. she makes me so mad. after that i went on a double date with victoria and mark, and nicole and mac. i had no bf or date, but they said thats okay...actually they kinda forced me to come. we went bowling and i actually did really badly, but it was still lots of fun. then we went to IHOP and saw gareth stonebraker working! it was awesome.