I saw the midnight showing last night with
jozie_m and Oh. My, Frea. King. God.
Seriously. For those who read my journals on DA know that I am very critical of my Jokers, and dude... Heath Ledger is so amazing.
It makes me so sad he's gone,because you just KNOW that The Joker was going to be a key player in any future films. :< At least the ending made it seem that way, and from how Mr. Ledger played him... it's going to be so hard to fill those shoes.
I couldn't think of anyone at the moment who could play it. lol Not that good.
But seriously. It was amazing. He was scary, psychotic, and funny. And just the little things he did - like his hand motions, the way he spoke and reacted to things - were so great.
I can wait to see it again. ;w;~~
If anyone wants to hit me up! ;w;~~<3<3
But dudes... the midnight showing, I'm so tired. I work today. ;A;
Everything that happened last night feels like a dream that's how tired I am. lol