taken from rin vox
the antis are making their opinions and voices heard to the various sponsors and etc, asking to pull Ohno and Arashi out. It is now time for US to show OUR support for our boys.
Ohno is apparently being pulled out of AU ads coz the antis messages are being heard.
We need our voices of support to be heard as well!
Write in your messages to support the boys.
There is no need to be defensive nor bitchy to the sponsors and etc.
Make it polite and positive - such as you enjoy the products and having Arashi working on it is also good for you.
BTW, please try not to talk about the scandal in your message. Just write about how you like Arashi promoting the products, doing the shows and etc.
https://cs119.kddi.com/au/query_au.jsp 2008年24時間テレビー(嵐)
(For NTV, 24 Jikan)
https://www1.ntv.co.jp/staff/form.html TBS(あらしちゃん及び主演魔王放送局)問い合わせ先
http://www.tbs.co.jp/contact/#atesaki https://cgi.tbs.co.jp/ppshw/contact/0030/enquete.do Housefood:
ハウス食品 とんがりコーン 2007年-2008年(嵐)
http://housefoods.jp/inquiry/index.html Maou (from becs):
http://www.tbs.co.jp/maou2008/fun4/fun4_log_001.html They really really need our support now so please help if you are their fans.
Show them the power of your words!
EDIT: if you understand japanese goes to juntoshi.wordpress.com. she translate some of the site. so please support the boys. show our arashi fan power. onegai.