Apr 19, 2008 19:38
Thank you to everyone for all the luck that (I'm sure) you were sending my way :)
Surprisingly everything went well! I lucked out and Annabelle was traveling this weekend, so she drove me again! Aside from ridiculous traffic once we got into the city (the pope was there, O.M.F.G.) everything went smoothly and I got to the interview on time. I spoke to three different associates, all of whom started the interview with a comment along the lines of "we love Matt! he wears bow-ties all the time!" which made me happy :) There were a few awkward moments where they would say things like, "I don't want to grill you, so just tell me about your life" at which point everything I've experienced in the past 21 years flew out of my head and I very articulately answered "ummmmmmm......well....ummmm....I'm in the penn band!" but mostly it was great.
the most memorable moment of the interview came at the very beginning though (I was still very flustered at that point). The associate was just talking about the duties of a paralegal and then says, "We're always sure to reward good work. What do you think the reward for hard work is?" to which I responded ".....a hug?"
A HUG?! oh god. Anyways, he just laughed really hard as I mentally kicked myself in the head and hopefully they think I'm quirky and entertaining and not ditsy like my comment makes me look :)In any case, THEY INVITED ME BACK TO INTERVIEW AGAIN! So I guess I couldn't have done that bad :) I'm sure it was the soul killing suit that made the difference over my last interview ;) Damn I hate suits.
The rest of the trip was great :) My uncle and I went out for mani-pedis (only my uncle, haha), got a nice lunch, relaxed in his apartment, and then met up with his best friend Anita to celebrate her birthday. He wore the brightest outfit EVER to go to dinner. Blood orange pants and a plaid jacket containing every color in the rainbow. He said that he was making a statement and, when asked what the statement was, said that it was 'I love springtime.'
The trip home, however, was HELL! I took the P2P (chinatown bus) home, as it is the favored mode of transportation for starving college students, but several things went wrong.
1. It was COMPLETELY full. Way too much humanity for my taste
2. The air conditioning didn't work (OH GOD)
3. We stopped randomly about 20 minutes in
4. We stopped AGAIN about 30 minutes in. The driver pulled over, faces the back, and says "Does anyone know how to get to Philly?"
It turns out that he just wanted to avoid traffic and go a different route, but I was still fairly horrified that he wasn't sure how to get to Philadelphia. Oh Chinatown bus. Somehow, hot and tired, I did still end up back home. Thank God.
And thus concludes my exciting day and a half in New York. If you read that entire thing, I am incredibly impressed :)