Title - Taming A Jaguar Chapter Thirteen pt. 1
Disclaimer - Don't own any of the characters, I just lock myself in my room and make them bend to my muse's will.
Rating - M ladies and gents, enjoy.
Word Count - 8,800
Warning - Gender!swap. Werewolf!AU. Eventually there will be smexy times of every type. There will also eventually be attempted sexual assault but not between the main couple. Also major character death more than once.
Summary - Using his second chance at life Castiel Novak comes back from Hell twenty years after his death to find his soul mate, the last face to swim before his eyes, the stranger than mourned the end of a werewolf's life. Unfortunately Adeana Winchester hunts his kind and is so far down the road of hatred it will take all the power Castiel has gained in his afterlife and all his charms to sway the hunter's stubborn point of view.
Back to
Chapter Twelve pt. 2!
Castiel didn’t know how long he’d been in the room. After looking up into Dean’s tear-filled eyes -- her love and sorrow shining down on him -- there had been nothing.
When he had first died there had seemed to be a long disruption of memory as if the Powers that Be were getting his paperwork straight. It hadn’t been dark or quiet. Normal words like that couldn’t be used in such a situation and the only thing he could think of was that there had simply been nothing.
This time the transfer was nearly instantaneous. Dean’s eyes and then the dark room hewn in rock and naked as the day he was born. Why was Lucifer such a perv?
After what seemed forever Castiel wondered if Lucifer had remembered their deal or if he had changed his mind. Castiel tried to keep Dean from his mind but it was a futile effort she was almost constantly in his thoughts.
He kept expecting the torment to begin or Lucifer to summon him for guard duties. No one came. Castiel wished he had a way to know how long he’d been huddle naked against what was eternally cold unforgiving stone.
It didn’t take him much longer to realize that he was his own torment. He ached for Dean, wondered where she was, if she was okay, and the bittersweet memory of how he had left her sad and tormented by guilt plagued him.
Castiel wished he could have helped her forget him; take the memory of him away when he left. All he had done was let her know what she was missing in her life. So close...Nearly complete but for the terror of the small child still sitting alone going over the death of her parents again and again deep inside his mate.
“I want to be with you,” Dean’s voice whispered in the darkness.
Castiel went still and gave a cursory sniff but there was nothing to smell. He had lost the heart to use the power that had become so strong he had marveled at it before its counter was taken away. “Go away demon.”
“Castiel,” Dean’s voice pouted and he felt her hands touch his shoulders and slide down the skin of his chest. Like only a succubus could do where her hands touched lust sprang up inside him. What his mate could do with nothing but a smile and glance this creature could do with a thought, but it wasn’t enough.
Castiel squeezed his eyes shut and reminded himself firmly that it wasn’t really Dean, and for all he knew it was a horrendous creature in the dark with his love’s voice. It was always easier for them to fool you in the dark or from a distance. He couldn’t remember them ever touching him while he could see them easily, but then again twenty years of torment kind of blurred after a while.
He felt breasts against his back and he bit his lip to keep the sensation from overwhelming him since it was one of those things that only reminded him of Dean and this monster knew it. Anything that she could use to hurt him was at her fingertips. “Where is your master?”
“You’re my only master.”
“I hardly think he would like to hear you say that,” Castiel felt her pull away and thought that maybe she would give up but then he realized she had moved in front of him. “I thought I would have talked to him by now.”
Powerful hands pushed him until he was pressed back onto the floor and he fought the succubus as she leaned over him. “How can you think of him when I’m here?”
Castiel felt for his wolf, but ever since he had come to Hell he had hidden away from him like a sulking puppy. He went still and used the memory of Dean to calm him. Nothing this she-beast did would turn him against thoughts of his beloved. No power in Hell.
“You’re no fun.”
Then he was alone.
Dean pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes in an attempt to relieve the tension headache she’d had for what had to be going on a month now. “I’m sorry.”
Anael gave a canine whine in her human throat her hazel eyes beseeching. “Please!”
“He doesn’t know what you are. I don’t believe he’d feel the same if he finds out,” Dean argued for the thousandth time. “I’m sorry the answer is no.”
“Dean--” Anael yelped and ducked her head as Dean’s energy stirred; it was always the end of an argument. “Sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” Dean tamped down on her power. She wanted Anael to act human while she was in her house; she had to remember to treat her like one, not a submissive werewolf. “I don’t want you to be hurt. He had a thing for me until he found out I was a lycanthrope and I don’t have uncontrollable shifts at the full moon.”
Charlie had tried to keep his intentions friendly when Dean had brought the werewolf home with her to protect her from her pack. Dean had known it wouldn’t last, she had seen the look on his face when she’d come through the front door cleaned up and dressed like a normal human.
“It’s not because you don’t want me to stay with--”
“No,” Dean shook her head as the usual aching pain rose up inside her. She paused and took a deep calming breath. “I think you need to have a day off, it surprises me that you haven’t asked. We argued about you spending too much time here, all work and no play.”
“Well,” Anael looked down her eyes luminous with tears. “He’s been spending time with me. It started out just as a passing line as he happened by...”
Dean didn’t mention that her room was on the opposite side of the house from where Charlie’s usual routine was located. Any appearance he made on that side of the house was deliberate and well out of his way. “He’s not pressuring you into anything is he?” She knew how submissives could be easily coerced into things they didn’t want to do, even if there was no punishment to back it up obeying just came natural after a while for them.
“No!” Anael smiled and shook her head. “No, Dean he’s so sweet.”
Dean knew he could be. When he’d been focusing his attention on her she’d felt how he could be in a less professional relationship.
Dean looked up as Charlie came into her office. She saw the immediate change in his face when he saw Anael sitting there. God, Dean shook her head at their obvious behavior and had to bite her lip as the sorrow welled up inside. “Yes Charlie?”
“There’s a man downstairs that says you’ll want to talk to him,” Charlie looked a little confused under the dopy expression Anael’s presence caused. “Hey, you.”
Anael dipped her head again not submissively this time but to hide a blush, “Hi.”
“Did this man have a name?”
“Wouldn’t tell me so I kicked him out, but he’s still on the front lawn if you wanted to boot him out the front gate.”
Dean shook her head, “No, but I’ll handle it thank you, send him upstairs.”
Charlie nodded and met Anael’s gaze before he closed the door and left.
Dean stood and Anael turned to look back at her. “I’ll let you go if you promise me you won’t let him push you around.”
“Really?” Anael’s face lit up and Dean almost slapped herself for giving in.
“Yes. Remember even though you’re submissive, he’s human you’re stronger,” Dean moved around her desk to touch Anael’s face, lifting her gaze to hers. “Be careful out there, if anyone finds out what you are there could be trouble.”
“I didn’t think about that,” Anael looked worried and Dean shook her head.
“No, it won’t be something I can’t handle, but I don’t want to have to deal with it if I don’t have to. I have enough shit on my plate at the moment,” Dean dropped her hand and Anael stood.
“I will be so careful,” Anael smiled. “Thank you.”
Dean watched her dash out the door and she shook her head words she’d read in Castiel’s letter coming back to her as she left the office. “Although I am weaker than many of my kind he made it so that my mate would be my perfect balance, my perfect match...”
“He’s finally showed up,” Dean muttered aloud as she wandered into her room. She pushed the door to the adjoining room open and went inside. “You’d think if he was such a great ally he wouldn’t have taken his damn time.”
Dean sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down at Castiel. “I know, I know I’ll be as nice as I can.” She tucked the blankets in tighter around him even though he didn’t need them and touched his face.
“He’s keeping well.”
“You know he is, you preserved him,” Dean shot a glare over her shoulder as her visitor appeared at the door. “You took your time.”
“I hurried, time works differently up there,” He moved into the room and stopped at the side of the bed, looking down at Castiel’s body. “How are you keeping?”
“I’m fine,” Dean lied. She had made herself spend as much time away from this room as possible, kept Anael here in the pretense of nursing him in what the household thought was a coma. She still dreamt of him but it wasn’t like the dreams they’d had together, he wasn’t really there.
“Dean...” His hand touched her shoulder and she felt the peaceful feeling that came along with him. She tried to shut it out. She didn’t want the tranquil feeling she had never felt comfortable with it.
She braced herself before looking up at him. His face always affected her -- he was too beautiful for words -- even a half-lycanthrope couldn’t look at it without it taking their breath away. He had hair almost as long as Castiel’s, long straight and a blond so pale it was nearly silver. His eyes were a bright blue like a new crayon on a child’s first day of school and always twinkling like he was in on some cosmic joke. She always seemed to wax poetic when the damn angel was around, it was not in her nature and he never ceased to irritate her.
Dean knew it was just her. Any other person -- no matter their personality -- would just go with it. She found herself angry and she knew it was because he had come to her too late, too late to save his life.
This time he was dressed in more normal clothes, although they were a bit too bright for her tastes: Pressed khaki colored slacks and a white billowy shirt and of course no shoes. He reminded her of a hippy.
“What took you so long?” She whispered fighting back the tears because although she was upset that he’d been gone for nearly four months his appearance meant that he’d gotten his answer finally. “He said no didn’t he?”
“Adeana--” He shook his head and moved to sit on the edge of the bed in front of her. “Are you strong enough?”
“How could you ask?” Dean growled and met his eyes.
“You let him go,” He whispered. “You were too scared.”
“You asked me if I was strong enough.”
“Physical strength means nothing,” He shook his head. “You should know that.”
She did, and so did he. She had hardly believed it when he had appeared in the forest, an angel sent to her that knew the inner workings of Hell because he had made it his home for longer than she had lived. “I told you I would do anything to get him back. I was a fool to think that being with him as his mate would be worse than being without him.”
“Are you still scared?”
“Why do you ask?”
“You will be tested beyond your limits. You speak as if you are sure, but I am no fool, I know better than most the frailties of man.” He touched her shoulder and she met his gaze again defiantly.
“He came out of Hell and went back there for me, I think I can fucking fight for him for a change,” She spat out angrily, surging against the peaceful aura he emitted.
“All right,” He held his hand up as if to stop her from attacking him. “Calm down.”
“No!” She made herself get up and pace knowing that if she didn’t she would strike him and that seemed detrimental to her current cause. “You promised you were going to help me Balthazar! You came to me and you told me that we’d been wronged and you were here to make it up to us!”
“I am,” He stood and Dean faced him -- he never got angry and it infuriated her -- did it even exist in the creature? He had been an infiltrator in Hell; shouldn’t he have learned the baser emotions in all that time? “I am, Dean if you would just keep calm. Yes I know that this situation warrants high passions but those same emotions can get you in serious trouble where you are going.”
“Where I’m going?” Dean reached out to grab his arm the strength of her grip enough to crush normally. “You mean...”
“Yes. You have one chance and one chance only to go get him back,” Balthazar nodded. “But you have to know what you might run into down there.”
“I have a plan.”
“I had hoped you would by now, I told you to think about it,” The angel smiled and it was too beautiful for words. “Now how about you let me in on your battle plan?”
Castiel found he was able to sleep even if he didn’t need it in Hell. After a few very vivid dreams of Dean he realized why he was allowed to do it now. Before he had been kept awake by the endless torments thought up for him, or even when he found himself in isolation the peacefulness of sleep was denied him. Now that sleep wasn’t peaceful, now that he made himself dream of her, now he was allowed to sleep.
He couldn’t remember how many succubae had visited him it could have just been the one and she was just persistent as hell, but he had foiled them all. He somehow found consolation in the fact that he would be the one tormenting himself, Lucifer’s lackeys just didn’t cut it.
Suddenly there was a great shaking as if he were in the midst of an earthquake. It wasn’t but a second then it stopped. Castiel braced a hand on the ground as it came again just as hard as before.
Light suddenly burst in through an opening that crumbled in the wall. Castiel had always thought the room was in the middle of more and more rock. He’d tried to bust out plenty of times to no avail.
The light flickered and moved like it was cast by fire. He gazed at the flickering mesmerized by it. Another succubus broke the plane of the new entry and turned to him.
His heart wrenched like it did every time he saw them in the form of Dean. “Go away.”
“Do you always have to be naked Wolf?” She asked as she caught sight of him curled up on the stone floor.
This one was good; the others just tried to get a rise out of him sexually so they could deny him. Castiel actually laughed and shook his head, “You will have to ask your master that, he is the pervert.”
“Damn straight,” She gave him a smile. “Now get up let’s go!” She moved toward him and tried to help him up but her hand moved through him. “Shit he never said--” She growled. “Get up, come on!”
None of the other succubae had ever tried this; they could all touch him and touch him they did, as much as possible. “You should know better by now demon I will not go to torment without a fight,” Castiel kept his body tightly curled.
“Goddamn it Wolf! We don’t have time for this!” She held her hands out and Castiel felt her power flare.
He felt his wolf stir.
“Yes! Get up so I can get you out of here!”
“How are you going to do that?” Castiel asked softly, gazing at her hoping against hope that it might really be her and not some other trick. If anyone could get into Hell...
“Let me worry about that,” Dean gave him a beckoning gesture and he stood. She tried to behave but her eyes had a mind of their own.
“You…are alive?”
“I hope so!” Dean stepped through the hole in the wall and Castiel followed.
“No I mean how did you get here?” Castiel paused as Dean turned to stop in front of him, his eyes couldn’t get enough of her.
“You have to be quiet when we leave this room...” Dean cautioned.
Castiel nodded and she hurried forward without answering his question.
Outside his room was a surreally normal corridor done in glaring white paint and shiny black linoleum with huge grotesque granite gargoyles holding silver torches along the wall.
Dean admitted and continued forward.
Outside the doors, huge and wooden with metal braces and studs running through them were the rocks, lava and fire one expected in Hell.
Castiel spied a few huge scary looking demons but Dean led them past quietly.
Biting his telepathic tongue Castiel merely followed her hoping Lucifer wouldn’t discover his absence.
And there in the middle of all the hellish terrain was what looked like the ticket booth of a parking garage complete with a guard plank stripped in black and yellow. There was a lanky demon sitting in the booth.
Dean grabbed for him but her hand passed through his arm.
Ducking his head Castiel ran for it following until Dean failed to stop at the bank of a foul, noxious river.
Dean came up short and looked back at him.
Castiel explained.
Dean looked around trying to ignore the impossible line waiting to be allowed in some of them must have been waiting a long time.
Castiel explained.
Castiel saw the decrepit lifeboat in the distance. Like a lot of things in Hell the river looked impossibly wide. When Castiel had crossed the first time there had been a boat large enough to carry the some odd dozen souls that had been damned and waiting at the bank with him.
Now it was barely large enough for Bob himself. He looked like he had died washed up on the shore of a deserted island, bleached by the sun. His skin draped over his bones, the flesh gone beneath and his hair nearly gone save for the tangled matted patches dotted over his skull and chin in a bad imitation of a beard.
Bob eyed Dean as the boat bumped into the bank. “What’s your damage?”
Castiel had thought it strange how he spoke but after being inhabited by Cerberus he figured a surfer had taken the mantle of Ferryman after the last had “retired.”
“I’m going that way,” Dean pointed back the way the boat had come.
“He can’t go dude.”
Castiel felt Dean’s power spike in ire and the Ferryman’s maggoty eyes widened, “Excuse me?”
“Chill out my boat don’t work that way,” Bob held up his free hand, the other full of the guiding pole for the boat. “He’ll sink right through going the other way.”
Dean glanced back the way they’d come then at Castiel. “Cas...” Dean’s mind was going a mile a minute. “What if he’s inside my body?”
Bob nodded as Castiel looked at Dean in surprise. “That might be a problem once you reach the other side.”
“One problem at a time please,” Dean gave Castiel a wave. “Hurry.”
Castiel wanted to object but Dean had that look on her face. It was too risky, they had no idea what would happen...Dean stepped forward and into him as he hesitated and he felt himself spinning then everything went black.
Then he was standing beside his own body looking across the bed at Anael in her human form. “Anything?”
“Nothing,” Anael murmured, looking up at him her eyes so sad.
He climbed up onto the bed and crawled over to his body. “He’s not in there...” Dean whispered and Castiel felt a pain worse than when he fought his wolf as he tried to leave her body to go to his own. Dean’s thoughts told him as she cried out in pain.
Castiel realized he was stuck!
Dean growled and he could feel her panic like it was his own.
Anael gave a doggy whine and Dean sat down next to Castiel’s body her hand covering the submissive’s hand where it rested on his forehead. He was cold to the touch but he showed no signs of time having passed, had it only been a small while? It had seemed like forever in Hell. “You are early,” Anael observed.
“I know, it wasn’t as hard as I expected,” Dean seemed worried about that and Castiel was surprised. While they were in Hell she hadn’t felt any worry and now that they were home free... “I wish he would hurry! Why the hell does he always make me wait?”
The silence seemed solid as they waited for whoever Dean spoke of. With Dean’s sensitive ears he could hear a clock ticking by the seconds somewhere nearby. Castiel didn’t know who it was they were waiting for but he took his time.
“You failed?” A disbelieving voice said and Dean looked up to see a handsome blond stranger. Although Castiel knew he had never met him the stranger seemed familiar somehow.
“No,” Dean shook her head. “You were right it was easy, but we had a complication you didn’t think about.”
“He is trapped inside you,” The stranger stated even though no one had told him.
Dean’s irritation sparked and she glared over at the man, “If this was going to be the outcome and you knew it. Don’t you think it would have been pertinent information?”
“I thought that if you knew of this possible outcome you would be too scared--”
“I thought we went over that shit! I’m not scared anymore!” Dean hissed and Castiel tried to calm her. “I knew there’d be a catch, I was worried at how simple it seemed.”
“Did you make the deal I thought?”
Dean’s irritation moved on to anger at the stranger as those words helped Castiel realized what was happening.
Castiel felt a rush of fear for his mate’s foolishness.
Dean thought to him. “Yes and then some,” She answered the stranger. “Do you have a solution to this? I have a short deadline.”
“Yes. I am sure he knew the problem you would run into,” The stranger radiated a mellowing energy. He wasn’t making it calm on purpose his aura was just tranquil and made those around him so.
Castiel only noticed it because Dean was consciously fighting it, “Solution?”
“I think you should sleep on it,” The man smiled, his teeth shockingly white.
“Oh,” Dean gave him a smile and nodded.
“You shall be just fine. Rule well,” The stranger nodded his head once and simply vanished, no frilly smoke or fireworks.
Dean answered getting up so she could snuggle underneath the blankets. “Anael, I won’t keep you any longer.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay? You’ll be asleep...vulnerable. I know a lot about that,” Anael murmured.
Dean gave her a smile and shook her head, “Anything that comes after me, you can’t fight.”
“I don’t think I can go while you’re here like this,” Anael frowned.
Dean reached over and touched the werewolf’s hand, “You deserve a shot at this too you know.”
Anael looked at her in confusion and fear, but it was of the unknown not of the Lumberjack. “I’m scared.”
With a smile Dean nodded, “I know. Don’t be.”
Anael nodded and stood watching her as she moved to the door. “Thank you.”
“Have fun, be good,” Dean nodded and watched her close the door behind her.
Castiel thought as she curled up next to his body. It looked as if no time had passed.
Dean answered as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
When she didn’t answer he started to get upset but soon realized she was already asleep. he thought as he tried to follow her into her dreams.
“Who the hell was that guy?” Castiel spun on Dean as he finally relaxed enough to slip into her dreams.
“Jeez I must be rubbing off on you I’d be asking all kinds of questions too, not accepting a good thing,” Dean rolled her eyes and pulled her shirt off over her head.
Castiel was distracted a moment and Dean pounced on him, biting at his lips her hands smoothing over his bare chest. “Dean...” Castiel groaned. “You are not playing fair.”
“I just know you well enough to know how you’ll react when I tell you,” Dean shrugged and moved her hands down his chest; one hand cupping his scrotum the other hand tight around his shaft.
“Definitely not fair,” Castiel closed his eyes as she gently squeezed. His hands came up to cup her breasts as he leaned in to capture her lips. “It will bother me--”
“We don’t have time for this,” Dean murmured.
“We have enough time,” Castiel moaned stubbornly.
“Balthazar,” Dean answered.
“See, it’s not just a simple answer for you Wolf!” Dean growled.
“Then another question?”
Dean sighed and withdrew her hands much to Castiel’s disappointment. “He was put in Hell on some secret mission.”
“That is a bit vague.”
“Well he’s like that. He didn’t tell me much except that he was on my side and here to help us,” Dean sat down in the grass.
“Can he not just put me back in my body? He did it before,” Castiel sat next to her and took her in his arms.
“He’s a pussy what can I say?”
“He definitely played his part well in Hell,” Castiel said in wonder. “He is a lot prettier too.”
“Didn’t know you swung that way,” Dean joked.
“Wish we could just do it ourselves,” Castiel ignored the jab and sighed as his lips played along the mark still in her neck.
“Do what?”
“Put me back in my body. Our dreams are fantastic but not where I wanted to do this,” Castiel murmured nibbling along her neck. “Your mark has already started fading…”
“It made me impatient. Every time I noticed I cursed Balthazar for taking so damn long,” Dean closed her eyes to the feel of his lips. “Are we done talking now?”
Castiel pulled away and she turned to find herself alone. “Cas?”
Onwards to Chapter Thirteen pt. 2!