Jul 25, 2005 11:48
OK SHHHHHHHHHHH everybody be quiet the baby is sleeping.... literaly. anyway those of you who know im babysitting understand, those of you who didnt well now u get it. any way man this week and last week have just been like hectic. STUPID CAT!!!!! yea i can explain to u if u like but if not then dont ask. ummm last week was a lil crazy my grandpa died and then i missed his funeral to go to some fucked up six flags and then babysitting ofcourse interfeers and then it was so messed up with trying to have friends over and shiste i know my spelling sux but oh wells. ok umm now this week i babysit 5 out of 5 days and then i wanted to go to ALADDINS soooooooo badly but now i just dont think its going to work soooo i will go on te weekend. plus now for two weeks i have driving school for two ours every night and then once thats over i actually have to start practicing my DRIVING EVERY ONE LOOK OUT!!! im dead serious ppl are freaking me out they make me not trust myself. but anyway man i miss hanging out not llike i truely have anyone to hang out with they all seem to have their own thing going on which is fine but like always i slowly get pushed out of the picture or just simply throw myself out either way imi not involved. lets seee what else.......... MAN babies are some work but i still want one when im like MUCH MUCH MUCH OLDER. oh yea and lets see my older sister is pregnant AGAIN!!!!! and she was being pimped or still is im not sure and she was stripping and oh my god i feel so sorry for her kids her dumb ass is drinking while shes pregnant she was at my grandmas house drunk dead drunk im like r u serious i couldnt believe that so now my dad is going to beat some people up because of my sisters choices and i dont doubt that she does drugs i mean come one look at the rest i mean one she named her first daughter pebblez and her first son she named mark anthony now u cant tell me shes not doing drugs but my other cousin who is like a year or two older than me has not one not two but THREE kids already im like damn these girls cant keep their legs closed and shit not like any of the guys know how to keep their shit in their pants either. OK look at my dad hehs got 1.....2...3...4..5.6.7 yes 7 thats right count them there is Veronica, ME, Sylena, Adrian, Avelino, Cloi, and last but deffinitely not least Angelica dude he could run a circus with all the kids he has. im kind of rambling but man. i might end up in colorado because my aunt or great aunt? im not sure but either way she has some kind of cancer and isnt dooing to well soooooo i might hop on a plane with my GREAT GRANDMA and fly down there just to see her incase anythin happens you know? but i gotta go clean since im getting paid $10 an hour. alright BYES