NO1CURR AHL Spam- FailWhale Home Opener Edition

Oct 16, 2011 10:04

It's a hockey night in Hartford!

I love the FailWhale. They find new and creative ways to fail. Just when you think they have it in the bag, someone takes a stupid penalty and the other team scores. Or the Whale have a power play and can't score. Or they're in a shootout and someone can't keep his legs closed. Don't get me wrong- it was an exciting game and they did come away with a pity point, but for serious you guys- STOP WITH THE PENALTIES ALREADY.

Holy snickers, there were a lot of people there, cheering, chanting, and even taunting Sound Tigers goalie Kevin Poulin (who Pens fans may remember from last season when he played a game or two with the Islanders before getting hurt). Where were all you people when they were in the playoffs last season?! We could have used you, jsyk. Great atmosphere, and hopefully it's just as loud for the rest of the home games.

I also got trolled by Pucky the Whale. He didn't like my Pens jersey, but I basically told him, "Come at me, bro!"

Before the game started, they had a party in the Atrium of the Xcel Center. Unfortunately, due to navigation error, we got there with only a half hour to spare. I did get a pic of the two bouncy things.

Brought to you by Xfinity.

Warm Ups! And before anyone asks, yes there were more people at the game once it started.

Player Intros- no Sean Avery or Ryan Bourque in the lineup. Bourque was ill, according to the Whale site. Avery...well, I heard he's rehabbing an injury. It will be really interesting to see him in a Whale jersey. Whale has a ginger now too.

Obligatory Other Team Pic- Kevin Poulin. This Frenchie has talent, no doubt about it. He deserves a better fate than the Islanders organization.

Game Play!

The biggest problem were all the damn penalties. I'm looking at you, Mitchell and Newbury.

OT and then a shootout. Here's Chad Johnson aka Not Cam Talbot getting ready for it.

Final Thought- I know I said this on twitter last night, but Pens fans may have recognized one of the Sound Tigers as Michael Haley, who was part of the brawl last February. He was the one who beat up Max and then skated up ice, instead of going to the sin bin, and tried to fight Johnny. That's when Hero Godard had to step in and take care of business. I think I side-eyed him the whole game. Get back into your cage, Haley.
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