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Jan 29, 2010 15:20

I narrowly escaped a speeding ticket this morning. I was doing 63 in a 50 on our way home from ECFE. Whoops! Jack and I were too busy talking about how much fun we had at class and I wasn't paying attention. I didn't even know why I was being pulled over. Niiiiice.

We got to watch a video of the kids today. It was from a few weeks ago. We spend the first 45 minutes of class together and the second half apart. During our apart time is when the video was taken. It was so interesting to see Jack interacting with the other kids and the teachers when I wasn't in the room with him. At one point he was playing at the train table with a few of the other boys. I was just waiting for conflict to erupt! 4 boys playing at the train table at 1 time can only go smoothly for so long. They were playing fine and the camera panned around to some other kids. Then it panned back a bit later and showed Jack packing up all the train cars he had been playing with. He walked past whomever was filming and said "that boy keeps crashing into me so I'm leaving" and took his trains over to a table to play with. I laughed so hard. The teacher said something about how that's good that he chose to just remove himself from the situation rather than deal with further frustration! I said yea, he does that at home too :P His sister is always all up in his business. Later it showed him playing on the computer keyboards with one of his teachers and his friend Molly and then a bit later he was in the kitchen area playing with the girls. I hope they do it again in a few weeks because I think it's really fun to watch.

I just get a kick out of "spying" on him. It's always interesting to observe how your kids behave when they think you're not paying attention. I do it all the time. Even when they're in the tub together and I leave for a few minutes. I tiptoe back and peek through the crack of the door at them. They think it's pretty funny when I finally make my presence known :P

I've been googling hot springs in California. I was getting pretty frustrated because all I was finding was spas and resorts. I finally found one that you can basically use the hot springs in the spa for the day for like $5!! I think our other option would be to hike to some but I'm not sure how much hiking my pregnant sister is going to want to do.

Originally my mom's trip was going to be a girl's trip but I guess that's not the case anymore and she decided to invite my brother. I think he was a little hurt that he wasn't originally invited. I checked some air fairs today and found flights for him that line up with ours that were about $20 cheaper than what I paid. Figures :P I hope he decides to come. It'll be lots of fun :o)

I picked up a TON of books from the library. We had like 14 books on hold! I'm going to start reading The Night Trilogy. Hopefully it's decent. I'm also waiting on The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards. I got a bunch of Valentine's Day books for the kids as well as just some other random kid books.

Jack's hounding me to read him all his new books so I gotta go,.

me, rob, jackson, mama

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