So, like any good hardcore fangirls and fanboys, my friends and I went to the first showing of PotC2 in costume. Well, some of us did, anyway.
Yar, why be I smilin'? We be pirates! What better reason? My friend Matt went as Will Turner, me as Pirate!Elizabeth, and my best bud Jim as the irrepresible Captain Jack Sparrow. (I'm not sure how he managed it, but in this photo, he's actually got a bit of that wasted "I was a druggie in my youth" Depp look going on in his cheeks. Maybe it's just the lighting.)
Here you can see the whole costumes we wore.
I suppose I can insert my brag sheet in on this and list what out of all of this is my handiwork. I made: My breeches, my shirt, my vest (actually, I whipped that vest up in about 4 hours the night before), my sash, and my tricorn hat, indirectly. I walked into Walmart one day last summer and found them selling circular broad-brimmed hats for $8. I grabbed one and tacked up the edges in three places, and voila, instant tricorn. My boots are just some standard women's black boots with a low heel, which actually worked very well when I tucked the loose bottoms of the breeches into them. The black band on my wrist is actually one of those rubber "for X cause" bands, however, it's not for any cause and has "I <3 Pirates" written on it. Jim got it for me in Key West. The belt I borrowed from Jim. The beads I'm wearing (difficult to see) are African trade beads: originally made in Europe, they were used for years as trade goods with African tribes. Some jewelry companies have been buying them up again and marketing them to the public.
Of the Captain Jack costume, I made...actually, just the breeches. His other bits are things recycled from renfaire garb or store bought. However, when Jim does
full Jack mode, he does wear a coat which I made. (Yes, that's me in that photo. It was Halloween. I was going as a Sailor Scout who was too goth to be in the Perky Girly Club. I was also a bit drunk. This had nothing to do with another person at the party coming
as a bar. Nothing, I tell you.) One of these days, when we have the costume perfected (I'm making him a new waistcoat right now, followed by a new shirt), I'm going to get Jim to get compeletly done up and we'll do a big cosplay photo shoot.