Took this from Jazzy. It makes you think. So take a break you AP testers!

May 03, 2006 19:28

Stop, right now, right as you read this. Stop from doing anything else other than reading this. I want you, you the perosn reading this and think, clear your mind from the biliions of things you're doing and STOP, just stop. Take off your music, stop talking to people, doing your homework, looking things up. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you online or writing or anything. Stand or sit, which ever is more comfortable for you and take a deep breath. Go out sidw of yourself, all the thoughts and fears and pains and worries. And think to yourself "wow look at my life, isn't it amazing"? Then, stop and think where you were a year ago, who your friends were, what your homework was, who you liked, your biggest fears or concerns, then go two years back, maybe even three. Now look in you live journal archives for this day a year two years ago, see what it says, read the comments, look at the next and the few days before it. Think how far you've gotten, how much your life has changed. Was it all for the better or for the worse?

Real update later
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