Hello LJ

Jul 05, 2011 20:10

Hello LJ. It's been a while. Let's see...where did I leave off?

I'm coming up on year three of being a cancer survivor. I'm on my 4th chemotherapy, Gemzar. If this one doesn't do the job then I have one last option (Topotecan). My chemo's are scheduled every two weeks. I get my sixth Gemzar infusion next week. Gemzar was selected over Topotecan because is was the lesser of the two evils. The main concern with Gemzar is that it gives my immune system a beating and I have to be very careful not to get sick. The Topotecan is also hard on the immune system, but it also causes the dreaded physical pains and hair loss.

The Xanax and Ambien help keep me in check. Without the Ambien my mind goes 100 miles per hour about every little detail that has to be taken care of before my death. And NO, I'm not anywhere near death, but I guess I could get hit by a car tomorrow and die.

Months ago I prepaid my funeral and made the basic arrangements; cremation, a service, and no burial. My family is having a hard time dealing with the fact that I do not want my cremations buried. At least they know how I feel about this. I still have to pick music and a poem or two, put together a photo album, and write my obit. I just cannot think about my family having to do this. I also still need a will, medical directives, and all that other good stuff.

So much to do. Hopefully I have lots of time (years) to get it done.
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