Cottage dogs!

May 27, 2009 11:25

It's been a really exciting few weeks for Kiska and I (and our housemates). We've started flyball, and all of us absolutely love it! And we went up north for the first time this summer with my housemate and her Lab, Boomer! Most of my life, I've wanted a 'cottage dog'... you know, the one that goes swimming, hiking, running, playing with us. Unfortunately my mum is not a dog person, so it was never a real possibility for me until now, when I finally have my own dog. Kiska had her first trip up north in February and loved every minute of it, but as the lake was frozen, it wasn't quite the same. She came up for her first 'summer' visit on the Victoria day long weekend, and I'm happy to say that I finally have my cottage dog! *glee* And, as a special bonus, I overheard my mum telling her friends that "Kiska's a really great dog!"

So, I thought I'd share some photos of the fun.

We went for a hike...

She was the pack mule and carried her own water supply.

Boomer was handsome.

When the weather was (finally) a little bit nice, we gave up our fireside spots to take more photos.

Posing on the (still folded for the winter) dock.

"Enough already, I'm tired of this game! Gimme my cheese!"

Boomer says that Kiska's crazy and we should just give up and surrender the cheese supply.

But then the game of fetch begins! Who needs cheese when there are sticks to be had?

Or logs...

She's not actually drowning, I promise. She's just angry that Boomer got the log first.

Boomer says "Haha, I win!"

He also wins the rock climbing game. Kiska says "Seriously? You want me up there?"

Noble beasts perched on the boulder.

After the boulder, we move to the shore. Waving cheese around may feel silly, but it gets very attentive dogs!

"Wait, what's that up there?"

The fish! The most prized squeaky toy of them all!

So sparkly and yet so out of reach!

Not for lack of trying...

Kiska says "Now who's the crazy one?"

Dreaming of a happy reunion with the fish...

And when the adventure's over, we all relax by the fire...

photos, kiska, personal, boomer

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