Just watched the Doctor Who premiere.
Very glad I watched it while I was home alone. I shrieked like WOW.
As much as I keep saying that I didn't really want Rose back (Doomsday was heartbreakingly sad, but it was a perfect ending, and I don't want it screwed up...), I can't help but be ridiculously HAPPY to see her again. GAH! ROSE! Why is she here? Why did she... disappear?! SO CLOSE, ROSE, SO CLOSE!
I am SO flaily right now. Wow.
Ok. Breathing. The next episode needs to download FASTER. (Why is this show so ADDICTIVE?)
In other news?
CHRISSY! I GOT YOUR LETTERS! ♥!!!! I'm working on mine now, hopefully I'll get it sent soon! :D
In birdie news, I went to visit Tane on Thursday, and am going again on Wednesday.
He's SO cute. Getting in so many more feathers, and is much more inquisitive and bumbling around than he was last time. I was at Jools' house for nearly 2 hours, and it was so much fun. She and her husband Steve are really really nice, and I love their birds and I love my little Tane! He's adorable! And growing into his feet, so he's not quite such a snowshoed-dinosaurian-porcupine, hee.
Jools sent me more photographs today, and he's looking beautiful, and beginning to eat some solid foods as well as trying to figure out the whole perching thing. So adorable!
So, naturally, here are the pictures of cute:
April 10th:
...He looks so evil in that last one, haha!
Lookit all of his feathers! And his stumpy little tail!
I love this neck craned "Oooo! What's this?" look he has happening there. CUTE.
And for a random note on Battlestar Galactica...
This week's episode killed me ded. I may or may not have cried. >.>
Kara/Lee? "I never could say no to anyone." "Except me." "...Especially you." and "I believe you."? GAH.
Pouty admiral's "Nobody's going ANYWHERE!" made me giggle. It made me think of a sulky child that isn't getting his way. Although him and Roslin need to go back to being le cute again. I'm going to lose it when/if she dies. ;_;
And, last, but not least, I have a car. My own car! Gah! Barring my LAST exam of my undergrad that's on Friday, life is GOOD right now.