This week has been crazy.
Am in my IPM lab, being bored out of my mind. It's perfectly acceptable, though, seeing as we've already had an hour lecture today for this class, plus a 1.5 hour lab exam (which was pretty easy, I was happy), plus a bioassay pupa count, and now another bloody hour-long lecture for this class! I also think it might be really obvious that I'm not paying attention, seeing as I'm staring at my computer, typing, and not looking at the slide or the prof. *shifty eyes*
Wednesday was Ange's birthday! Libby and I made a huge scavenger hunt for her to find her two presents (the game "Clue" and the first season of "24"). We had her going all over the house, around on the lawn, across the street... there was a hint attached to Cirrus (my cat), written into the calendar (hint: 102707), in the phone book (hint: Valeriiote, Guelph), a phone number hidden in a Sudoku puzzle (which called my newish cell phone #, which she doesn't know very well... and I changed my answering machine to her next clue)... it was so much fun. At the end, I was laughing so hard that I was almost crying. It was awesome.
Today was the due date for the College Royal Photography contest... and I haven't handed anything in yet. Dammit, I've been planning this for more than a month, and I just didn't manage to get my act together.
Speaking of College Royal... it's a giant two-week long fair/university open house that's a really big deal for my school every year. We're going to the College Royal Ball this weekend, which should be fun (even if I don't really have a formal dress), and even though I have to get up and go to work the next morning. Ugh. Anyway, Jenn and WEEP are holding a huge wildlife program in the Vet College for College Royal next weekend... and they're getting a whole room full of inverts (insects included). And there are only two of us that are going to me manning (womanning?) it, and teaching the bajillion kids about the inverts therein. It's going to be me and some random that I've never met. I don't even know what critters they're going to have... so I can't even do any research beforehand. I'm bringing Neith and Smudge (although he's going in the fuzzy pets room) to show off... but I am SO intimidated by this whole idea. Oooohhh boy. There's going to be a bunch of insects (with which I'll hopefully be able to hold my own), but there's going to be tarantulas and scorpions and millipedes and other inverts that I don't really know much about. Gah. Am going to make a fool of myself. >.<
Oh, and I can't even say how happy I am that the midterm was easy today. Seeing as I spent all day yesterday playing Risk (in which Libby retreated to Australia and her only goal became to "SAVE THE MONGOLIANS!") and Monopoly (in which I killed Ange, and then traded her two propetries and $3000 for a single property to try to even the odds). Woot.
And I can't decide whether I want to watch "Unending" at the aired time (and by doing so, catch up and watch the two episodes I've been saving), or download it and watch it as soon as it's out, or to take my time and enjoy the ending a little later than everyone else. Decisions, decisions. :/