Oct 03, 2006 09:53
I have a lab exam in 4.5 hours. Awesome. I literally have to know everything there is to know about and how to identify all of the reptiles and amphibians in Ontario. Doom! I've got a tenuous hold on the frog calls, a decent grip on the scientific names (rana septentrionalis, anyone? And Libby, which one is it? ~_^ ), but I don't know shit about their breeding habits.
In more I'm-doomed-for-school news, Ange and Libby got me addicted to Criminal Minds. Dr. Reid is awesomeness. Especially because his name is spelt the same as Reid's is. Hahaha. We're in the midst of trying to download the first season and so we watched the first three epsiodes yesterday, as study breaks. Woohoo!
Well, perhaps I should think about returing to memorizing my Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians. Heterodon platirhinos, anyone? (they're one of my favourites. So cute!)
criminal minds