Oct 22, 2002 15:06
Ok....I really dont know what to put. I am here alone....again. This time I am packing my things....because I am going to be moving into Leigh and Brian's house until she or he comes back. Kevin doesnt know yet....though how can I tell him if he's never here? He's always with Leighanne or just out.....*sighs* I thought we were ok again but I guess I was wrong.
I talked to Justin last night....and I must admit....he's a sweetheart and makes me feel appealing and like a good person. I'm his "Kinky KiKi" *blushes* and he's my "Lusty Justy"
Between him....and Nick I'll have a compliment a day I think *blushes* Maybe I'll ask Justin to hang out sometime.....
I hafta get going...I'll update more later maybe!