vid - rockafellaskank - supernatural

Mar 07, 2007 15:00

Vid Title: Rockafellaskank
Vidder: kiki_miserychic,
Musical Artist: Richard Cheese
Fandom: Supernatural
Category/Summary: Episodal for 2x13 - House of the Holy
Cross-Posted: imeem.

Download: 65mb, sendspace or 19mb, here

Right about now
The funk soul brother
Check it out now
The funk soul brother

OK Already
Thank you
Good night

As tagged by bradcpu, Post a list of your top five favorite vids you've made, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. this isn't about the BEST things you've made, but what you LOVE most. then tag five other people to do the same.

Volcano (the l word) - Looking back on the vid, I can see now that I was working out some of my own emotions. My relationship with my father is similar to Shane and her father. An underlying layer I wanted to get across was how Shane doesn’t want to be her father, but ends up doing it anyway. I think it’s pretty too.

Ramalama (Bang Bang) (Dexter) - I’m proud of the effects I was able to make in Windows Movie Maker. That and I think it’s kind of an awesome vid, which is saying a lot because I hate all my vids in some way.

Blood Red Summer (Veronica Mars) - Again, it’s the emotional aspect of the vid that makes me love it. Just like Volcano, I can look back and see something I didn’t when I was making it. I could talk on and on about every frame of this one minute vid and explain the exact reason for each and every screencap. It’s Beaver’s suicide note that explains, not excuses, everything he did. When I was making it I didn’t realize that if things had gone a different way, I would be him.

end of the world news (dose me up) (Stargate: Atlantis) - I thought I kicked so much ass with this vid and that I really nailed the McKay that I had in my head… and then no one like it. It’s McKay’s little fucked up self in his screwy little world.

Sister, I’m a… (Firefly) - It was a milestone for me vidding-wise, it’s Firefly, and it’s Simon and River. It makes my heart warm.

Tagging (probably already tagged): anoel, dualbunny, hollywoodgrrl, lierdumoa, and sol-se.

tee vee, tee vee: supernatural, meme, [vid]

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