vid title: i am a ridiculous person
music: edited from Jeff Buckley's Live At Sin-é album
source: my own vids; multifandom
duration: 3:59
notes: Made for 2018.
summary: vidder self cannibalism
content notes: Physical triggers (e.g., epilepsy or migraine: strobe lights, bright lights, "stuttery" cuts between 2-3 stills), Graphic Violence, Sexual Violence, Physical Triggers, Other: blood/gore, lynching, body horror
streaming video 192mb m4v via mediafireao3 oh we're rolling
oh goodness
the coffee machine that needs
whoa wrong note there let me try it again
just like miles used to do live
you turn it on, the first thing you hear is like
and she's buying the stairway to heaven
classic rock
all the time
hot dog
everybody stop
ok go
keep on going
ok the cbgb's musical chairs song
find a chair
find a chair before it kills you
before it kills you
because they're fuckers
and they'll fuck you
and get a chair before you do
find a chair
thank you
there's just only so much people will take
by the way
all these songs are for the lovers in the audience
and if you're a grunger, it's for you too
for all the grunge people and the lovers in the audience
what is that song?
rabble rouser
rabble rouser
i'm a ridiculous person
and you're lucky you've paid no money to see me
good night
i love you so much
you're fabulous
beautiful and
and i love you
let's go drink and sleep
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