Halsey Playlist - WisCon_VidParty 2016

May 30, 2016 13:04

Curated for WisCon (wiscon_vidparty) 2016, Halsey - Collection of vids with music from Halsey.
*content notes*

Halsey is a singer and songwriter with music used in numerous vids pertaining to feminist science fiction and fantasty fandoms and themes. I curated a list of vids with an emphasis on class, sexuality, race, and gender.

For ease of viewing, youtube playlist.

1. Danni G's Orphan Black - Gasoline (Orphan Black)
2. Emmanuel Perez's Katniss Everdeen (Castle) (The Hunger Games)
3. jess9191's Control - Faith Lehane (BTVS/ATS) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel: The Series)
4. Danieck Marsman's Finn and Rey / Young God (Halsey) (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
5. eemersonm's Is There Somewhere | Multifemslash (Multifandom)
6. Miss Alphabet's Steven Universe AMV | Control (Lapis Tribute) (Steven Universe)
7. kiki_miserychic's Colors - Mr. Robot - Halsey (Mr. Robot)
8. collsssss's Killjoys: Castle (Killjoys)
9. jess9191's Gasoline - Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)

Links to previous WisCon Playlists I've curated:
(Free Kesha!)'s Murderous Women! Playlist - WisCon_VidParty 2016 (Collection of vids about murderous women that use the music of Kesha)
Beyoncé Playlist - WisCon_VidParty 2015 (Collection of vids with music from Beyoncé)
Dessa Playlist - WisCon 2014 (Collection of vids with music from Dessa)
Thank Heaven for Little Girls Playlist - WisCon 2013 (Collection of vids about little girls: their protectors, their victims, their worlds, their families, their missions, their deaths...)

Please, if you have links to other vids of Halsey's music, leave links in the comments. Thank you.

vid playlist, wiscon_vidparty, fandom

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