Curated for WisCon (
wiscon_vidparty) 2016, Halsey - Collection of vids with music from Halsey.
content notes*
Halsey is a singer and songwriter with music used in numerous vids pertaining to feminist science fiction and fantasty fandoms and themes. I curated a list of vids with an emphasis on class, sexuality, race, and gender.
For ease of viewing,
youtube playlist.
1. Danni G's
Orphan Black - Gasoline (Orphan Black)
2. Emmanuel Perez's
Katniss Everdeen (Castle) (The Hunger Games)
3. jess9191's
Control - Faith Lehane (BTVS/ATS) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel: The Series)
4. Danieck Marsman's
Finn and Rey / Young God (Halsey) (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
5. eemersonm's
Is There Somewhere | Multifemslash (Multifandom)
6. Miss Alphabet's
Steven Universe AMV | Control (Lapis Tribute) (Steven Universe)
7. kiki_miserychic's
Colors - Mr. Robot - Halsey (Mr. Robot)
8. collsssss's
Killjoys: Castle (Killjoys)
9. jess9191's
Gasoline - Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)
Links to previous WisCon Playlists I've curated:
(Free Kesha!)'s Murderous Women! Playlist - WisCon_VidParty 2016 (Collection of vids about murderous women that use the music of Kesha)
Beyoncé Playlist - WisCon_VidParty 2015 (Collection of vids with music from Beyoncé)
Dessa Playlist - WisCon 2014 (Collection of vids with music from Dessa)
Thank Heaven for Little Girls Playlist - WisCon 2013 (Collection of vids about little girls: their protectors, their victims, their worlds, their families, their missions, their deaths...)
Please, if you have links to other vids of Halsey's music, leave links in the comments. Thank you.