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i have vid rambles, let me show you them kiki_miserychic August 18 2008, 04:32:23 UTC
Thank you. :) Your icon is clapping in time to the remix I'm listening to. It's hyponotizing.

You nailed a lot of what I was getting at with this vid. Joanie's whole life has been controlled by men in some way, shape, or form. Her father, Cy, society, and so on. The same can be said for every other woman on Deadwood, like Alma, Trixie, Martha, even Jane to a certain extent. The other lead females have more outward, obvious, and seeable attributes, while Joanie is portrayed as the weakest female, with more internal characteristics. Alma, Trixie, Martha, and Jane have tangible traits, such as power, strength, intelligence, ingenuities, skills, while Joanie has inner hope to a degree. She trusts and wants so badly to do so that she often makes appears rather naive and ends up extremely disappointed and desperate. She lives most of her life in a quiet level of fear. Most vids focus on Alma or Trixie because they are easier to identify with (and those vids have been amazing). Most people see Joanie as weak and stupid for her mistakes. This is of course, my own personal reading.

In my vid I want to show Joanie as a product of the time, trapped by the constraints of men and the limitations placed on her by them and herself. She continually makes the same mistakes because she doesn't see other options. In the end, it's her relationship with Jane that allows her to feel safe and comfortable. Jane is her equal with only the boundaries they place on each other.


Re: i have vid rambles, let me show you them counteragent August 18 2008, 09:29:46 UTC
Hey, thanks for posting that. I don't know the source, so I didn't feel qualified to go into great detail, but I'm looking forward to rewatching with more backstory in place.


Re: i have vid rambles, let me show you them kiki_miserychic August 20 2008, 22:45:14 UTC
Thanks. In order to understand the vid more deeply, there's a certain amount of knowledge that would help. Hopefully it works on a more visual level as well.


Re: i have vid rambles, let me show you them charmax August 18 2008, 10:21:58 UTC
Ahh, thanks for expanding on that. I definitely got that feeling. She certainly seems more oppressed than the other Deadwood women (and women generally in Deadwood have a tough time.) I have quite an ambiguous attitude to Joanie I love her dearly for her maternal big heart and at the same time want to slap her for her failure to learn. I'm glad you gave her a sort of happy ending with Jane maybe she's finally made progress!


Re: i have vid rambles, let me show you them kiki_miserychic August 18 2008, 17:34:04 UTC
I'm very happy some of what I was doing got across. I completed this vid a while ago and it's weird to put it out now and be getting feedback.

I was worried for Joanie and Jane towards the end of the series because they were nearly happy and I'm used to shows that don't let characters to happy for long.


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