A hugemongous thank you to
talitha78. ZOMG, I loves it. I shall certainly be using those voice posts.
I cut my finger fairly bad on a slicer at work earlier this week, so I won't be typing (or doing much of anything). It's a good thing I did the year end vidding meme last week.
vidding meme
9 -
Ramalama (Bang Bang) (Dexter)
8 -
God's Gonna Cut You Down (Supernatural)
13 -
Volcano (the l word)
2 -
My Number (Angel)
7 -
Rockafellaskank (Supernatural)
April, May, June, July
12 -
Stronger Forest (Heroes)
29 -
hyperpower (Jarhead)
23 -
Audio Commentary for Stronger Forest (Meta)
4 -
Freedom Hangs Like Heaven (Veritas: The Quest)
12 -
Throw It On Me (Stargate: Atlantis)
25 -
Ain't No Reason (Battlestar: Galactica - Razor)
26 -
Life Opening (Life)
10 -
Devil's Waiting (The Unit)
17 -
Fairytale of New York (Moulin Rouge)
My favorite video this year (of my own):
Freedom Hangs Like Heaven because I feel like I grew and learned so much from it. My style feels more concise and narrowed in and my personal process of vidding in general changed. I became aware that my process is far different than the majority of vidders.
My best video this year
Stronger Forest is certainly my most known vid and I feel it's representative of my best work.
Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Devil's Waiting because The Unit is a rather small fandom of five people and
Fairytale of New York, which was watched by two people that I know of.
Most fun video:
I made
Throw It On Me in a day after the epic amount of time I spent on
Freedom Hangs Like Heaven. I had so much fun letting loose with the song and the effects. It was an excerise to release built up frustration and have fun.
Video with single sexiest moment:
Jake Gyllenhaal having sex up against a wall in
hyperpower, of course.
Hardest video to make:
Ramalama (Bang Bang) without a doubt was the hardest for me. It was the last vid I did in Window Movie Maker. That vid broke me of thinking working WMM wasn't that bad. There were so many glitches and crashes I still don't believe I was able finish. I wrote my own XMLs for it, which is probably what made it so difficult. The thing would not render, so I had to chunk it up every once in a while and reimport it. *kick WMM*
Most unintentionally *telling* video:
Volcano. The vid focuses on Shane's relationship with Carmen and Shane's relationship to her father. She wants so badly to not be like her father, but she's a mess. While making it, the subject was in front of my face and I couldn't see that while I was testing out my trial of Vegas, I was also putting much of my relationship with my own father into the vid. Our relationship is much the same: I don't want to be like my father. As silly as it sounds, it helped me to let go of chasing after the love of my father. I realized I'm never going to get it because it's just not there and fighting tooth and nail to not be like my father will only lead me to become exactly like him.
Coming Soon:
Working currently on a Firefly vid of River.
And in addition:
If there is any question you would like to ask me about any one of my vids, then go ahead! What I meant by a particular clip or sequence, why I chose to highlight that characterization, why I chose that song, what crack I was taking and where you can get some...anything. Anything you might like to know about how I made a vid, I shall do my best to answer. (I have a typing bitch, so no need to spare my finger).