66% Of The Internet Loves Me!I am loved by 66% of the population, including:
4979 people who love people who drink lots and lots of coffee
6410 people who love young people
7372 people who love night peopleIn return, I love 99% of the population, including:
1182 quiz makers
6797 windows users
2265 people with lots of shoes
show the love at spacefem.com Well doesn't that just fucking suck donkey balls!! Only 66% of the world loves me!! Anywho, I've been sick all week with an ear infection and had to miss school today because I couldn't hear and my ears just kept ringing!! Luckily with the wonderful magic that is ear-drops, I feel much better now and am no longer in a panic that I am actually going deaf because I can hear much clearly now!! On the bright side of staying home today, I watched back-to-back episodes of what appeared to be a Dawson's Creek tv marathon, got to sleep in till twelve in the afternoon, and had the entire house to myself because my folks took a trip into town to pick up some groceries!!